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   growing heart b-b-beat
its getting faster

No ones POV

"Ya'know just.... Mingyu." Wonwoo gasped "How did you know?"

"I have MY ways. Now, if you tell anyone else the whole world will know about mingyu." Wonwoos eyes widend and he stood up from their black leather couch (bc if it was any light color it would be destroyed and if it wasn't leather it would have stains) and said, while walikning away, "Gotta go!"

Mingao laughed at wonwoo. He didn't actually know wonwoo liked mingyu, just a lucky guess.

After a couple of minutes all of seventeen came into the dorm. "Hey guys!" Minghao said as he saw them.

And people that didn't look too familiar.....

(y/n)s group.

As they walked in a door somewhere in the dorm slamed shut. Joshua looked at (y/n) and she stared at him. He shook his head and she nodded. A couple seconds later she looked around and made eye contact with minghao and smiled.


When the door slammed I flinched and looked at Joshua please, not again, I'm just escaping my old life. I thought. I looked at joshua and he shook his head, as if saying 'its not that, you're ok' I nodded back and looked around trying to find Minghao.

I look at minghao and we made eye contact, I smile, he smiles back.

I see Joshua walk over to minghao and nudge him with his knee and point his thumb behind his back say inaudible words.

After that minghao nodded his head and stood up.


After Wonwoo told me about Minghao liking (y/n) I had to tell him abit about (y/n)s past.

"I know you like (y/n)." Minghaos eyes widened, he looked away and back at me "i-I'm sorry.... I knowyou'reprobablynotokwiththisI'llstayawa-"

I cut him off by laughing. "Dude I'm fine with you liking her!" I said.

He sighed looking down but his head shot up and he asked "Who told you?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Wonwoo." Minghao looked mad and said

"I told him not to tell anyone! I'm gonna kill him!" He said turning around, about to leave. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back then said

"You can plan your murder later, but I need to tell you something....about (y/n)"

"What...." minghao said, sounding unsure if he really wanted to hear.

"Well shes had a....rough past. When she was about 7 she said she heard people. She couldn't understand what they said but she heard them. When she was 8 she told me about it, she said her parents knew and didn't belive her."

I took a breath, he needs to know.

"H-hyung you don't have to tell me." But I do... I think.

I continue "She said she started seeing peop- things. Thats when her parents gave her up. They dropped her off at our house one night and never came back.

My parents ended up adopting her. As she got older it got worse. She locked herself In her room and when we did see her she had cuts on her arms and legs,she sometimes had black eyes. When my parents asked what happend shed say 'they did it. I tryed yelling for you but nothing came out of my mouth.'"

Minghao was looking down. Tears started forming in my eyes
As I looked around and took a deep breath and comtinued

"My parents decided, one day, that she needed help. Alot. I was only in 5th grade. She was in 4th. I got home from school one day and asked why she didn't go. My mom said she went somewhere and we could only visit her.

The next day I went to visit her. She was in an i-i-insane asylum.

Mom said she was too unhealthy and everything she was saying was getting worse. When we saw her it was painful. She was stuck in a room laying on the bed crying. She told me, and I'll never forget this, 'you were the one person I thought would belive me.' After we left I kept on hearing voices.I saw things in the mirror.

About a month later her asylum got shut down, all the people there had to move to a new one. Her files were gone. She showed up at the door steps one day with someone telling us she was sane, all she needed was a theripist.

She saw one every wednesday. She got so much better in high school. But when I moved here mom and dad said it was getting worse again. They said she was always stressed and didn't wanna talk to them. When she sent the aduition video for pledis that was just one reason for her to move here.

She takes pills now. Someone has to be with her so she doesn't take too much."

My story was over I didn't have anything else to say. "I'll be going now." Minghao said and left

Minghaos POV

I don't know if I can look at (y/n) the same.

I walked out the hall and saw hoshi and (y/n) laughing together.

Hoshi held her hand and wiggled her arm around. She laughed and let got of him to pet his hair.

The rest of the night (Y/n) and hoshi were together. When (y/n) and her group left hoshi kissed her on the cheek.

That was it "what was that?!" I yelled...

Ok so did you guys like this???? It took me forever to think of her back story. Sorry for that sucky ending I didn't know how to end it. Plus its a school night and I'm tired.

Anyways idk where I'm going with this book so if you have any ideas PM me.


~~~~~~ rileyxrebecca

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