Pity, him, and other stuff

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First off, WAHHH!!!! He doesn't even know I exist! I love him and he pushes me off! Know what? He's a little shit! MAWWW!!!!!!

Ahem! Now that's over with. If there is one thing I hate more then fakers, it's pity. I've been making friends from pity. I can name like five right now who have pity on me. And I personally think I'm going insane! One more f*cking person say they have pity on me, I'll prove that I'm insane! It's just so f*cking annoying!!! Like, I don't need your damn pity! I have friends, I have the people I like, I don't need you dicking it up! Dicking meaning messing. People like that, the ones who think it'd be better to have pity friends rather than no friends, just no! I'd rather have NO FRIENDS AT ALL than fake ones. So I'm asking this now, since I'm posting this on Facebook, if you have pity on me, unfriend me right now! Just I don't want you here, just leave! Meaning him. Meaning that chick in my classes who just talk to be nice. Meaning that boy who thought I was pretty cool. Meaning anyone at my school. I'm just done with you people! This is why I hate my school...

 Wanna know something? Someone I've known for about four months, is one of the kindest people I've met. They are better to me than someone I've known for almost 7 years now. This person, is none other than Jess. Like I'm serious! She's been there ever since we met. She helped me, she's told me what to do and not to do. Personally, she's been more helpful than my own sister. I mean, I love my sister to death but... she's not always there when I need her most. Jess has though, it makes me so happy. I finally have that person who cares about me the most. The person who won't judge me because she knows what that's like. She knows how it feels to be judged and trated badly. She's been bullied. She's been hated. She's cut. She's also... stopped me from doing that. She's the best thing that's happened to me. Wow, this sounds weird. 

I like how all of a sudden, people at my school are wanting to be friend. Or read my stories. It's a little weird. I'd personally like it to stop. It's weird and I don't like it. If I want you to read these, and you go to my school, I'll give you the info to read it. You won't just ask me for it. I'm also worried they something bad and Jess would see it and cuss them out. See? Like I said, she's awesome!

One last thing. I love music. Yep random, but it's helped me. Like for example, Here I Am Alive by Yellowcard. Jess and I love that song. We live by it. It's so happy and amazing. In my own words, I believe it's pretty much saying, 'You know what? F*ck those people who try to bring you down. At least you aren't cutting yourself like they want you to!' Yeah... Like um... the lyric, 'So many people close to me cut me down' Yeah, so f*cking true. I think I'm done...

Well! I'm done ranting about sh!t! Hope you enjoyed! And to him reading, I'm not going to let you rule my mind anymore. From here on out, you are the least of my worries! BAM! I just owned that shiz! Oh, you're still here... awkward...


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