Let Me

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Let me be loud.

My voice is not made for me to silent. My thoughts are not created for them to only be shoved back into my mind because you told me to shut up. I did not voice out my opinions just for you to call me naive or stupid merely because I am a teenager.

Let me wear what I want.

Art was not made for you to restrict my choices of clothing. As long as I deem it comfortable, functional, and flattering – you might as well roll out the red carpet because honey, I've had enough of society's sexual objectification. Explore the spectrum of colours that the world has blessed us with! Who cares if you're an eyesore with that pair of neon green pants? Wear whatever makes you happy.

Let me love who I love.

It's bad enough that you can't be with the person you love, why drag us LGBTQ peeps into your despair? And it is okay if you're confused, you'll figure it out soon enough there's no rush. And no, you are NOT alone in this – there are tons of people who can vouch for you. Be brave. Love is a beautiful thing, the only thing present in this world that is good and pure – Never be afraid to love.

Let me have fun.

I'm going to laugh at my own pun, I'm going to dye my hair in an unnatural colour, and I'm going to eat two boxes of Peach Mango Pie – because despite what people say, this is how I get my fun. Whether your version of fun is at a bar during Thursdays or in your room binge-watching a Netflix series, do whatever makes you smile. The dark times of our lives are just waiting around the corner, relish in every bit of happiness you have right now and save it for a rainy day because when the time comes that you need a bit of light to get you through the dark – you will need it more than ever.

Let me... Be me.

It is in our nature to be individualized, to be vastly different from one another. Respect who I am and who I am yet to become. Let me dream the most absurd and wild things, and even if those dreams are hard to reach, never discourage me from trying. Do not make my choices for my own future, I am not meant to sit behind a desk in a cubical when I am destined to hold a paintbrush in front of an easel. Do not force me to balance chemical equations after you tell me that being a journalist is not an ideal future for me.

You are not me. Do not ever under any circumstance kill my individuality for your own contentment.

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