|| Chapter 25 ||

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I dress up in my black skinny dress that comes just above my knees. I wear a gold necklace. Black high heels that aren't that high. My hair is in a messy bun. My hair is too thick so it's big. I stand and look at myself in the mirror.
Ugly, as always.
I couldn't do anything about it now, I had to go.
This is going to be a disaster...

I get in Isaacs car which is parked outside the house. I fasten up and my seat belt and stare ahead. The car doesn't start. I look over at Isaac. His mouth is dropped open and his eyes scanning my body.
"You look gorgeous!" He smiles. I blush and look down.
No I don't. No I don't. No I don't...
My fingers trace over the circular marks where my nails have been. They gently jab and release. I look up and smile at him. He starts the car and turns on music but on a low volume.

We arrive at the restaurant where I can see Ivy and Levi waiting outside, holding hands. Ivy looked nervous, she wasn't usually.
We walked over and Isaac put his hands in his pockets. I looked down and kept on walking.
"Hey leora," she stuttered. Wow, she was nervous.
Chills shot up my body as Isaacs hand was on my back, trying to nudge me into the building. I followed in after them.

We sat down at a booth I was sat next to Isaac, and Ivy next to Levi.
"So," I said noticing Ivy and Levi had already started talking to one another.
"You look stunning, leora." He smiled.
"No I am not," I muttered.
He squeezed my hand like he heard me. Our hands slipped away from each other as the waiter came.
"What would you like to order?" He asked taking out his notebook.
"Uh, can I have 2 diet cokes please," Levi asked. One was properly for Ivy ,"Isaac?"
"Can I have a Diet Coke aswell please," he said. He looked over at me as if I had to answer.
"Oh, um. Well, can I have water please." I said. I wasn't in the mood for Coke, I just well different...

The waiter came back only a minute later with our drinks.
"Main?" He asked.
"Ham and pineapple pizza please," Ivy said.
"Pepperoni for me," Levis said after.
"I'll have a margarita," Isaac said. I looked at him in disgust.
"If you having a pizza at least put something on it," I mumbled. He laughed and looked back at the waiter. "I'll have a olive and ham pizza please," I spoke.

"I am just going to the toilet, SweetCheeks. Don't miss me too much," he smiled getting up. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. I looked back at Ivy who had her eyes on mine.
"You and Isaac? Together?" She asked hopefully. I shook my head and smiled.
"He likes you Leora, he wouldn't call anyone SweetCheeks." Levi said butting in.
He doesn't like me, get it I your head. Your not perfect and you'll never be.

Isaac finally came back from the toilet and he was still wiping his wet hands on his black jeans. His t-shirt was a clean white and his hair was spiked up.

The meal arrived and I dug in, finishing last. I love pizza, but I savour the moment.

I was stuffed, and I didn't look good in the black dress. We didn't have a dessert we just decided to go back to Ivy's and have ice cream.

We arrived at Ivy's, her parents wasn't home so I could stay the night. We got in and sat on the sofa watching 'Harry potter'.

I layer into Isaac and Ivy layer into Levi. It was one of the best nights I've had...

We wake up all in the same spot where we where when we got in. I leaned back off of Isaac and yawned. Harry Potter was repeating its self. Isaacs eyes shot open and pulled me back on him, his eyes shutting again.
"no, I have to get up." I said smiling.
"1 more minute!" He said groaning.
I got up off of the sofa and said bye to Ivy who was now in the kitchen with Levi. Isaac drove me home and the car was freezing.

Last night was amazing!

Sorry if this update was late, I had trouble writing it.
This chapter was helped a little by my friend lauren2468_ .
Her story is amazing!
Thank you for reading!
Read more to find out what happens next!

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