• Six •

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Just milliseconds after Elsa closed the door of her dorm behind her, she'd been attacked, by her little sister.

"You've been with him today" Anna was quickly to acuse. She had a frown adorning her face, and her teal colored eyes were nothing but displeased.

Elsa blinked rapidly, in confusion.

"Uhm, yeah?" She said, arching one eyebrow. "You knew I was looking for him today." She said a bit confused. "What's with that face?" She added, pointing at her.

"What's with- HA HA- What's with my face- YOU'RE UNBELIEVABLE!" Anna exclaimed sarcastically. Elsa widened her eyes, she had no idea what was happening. Anna sighed in exhaustion. "Have you checked your phone already?" She asked, as she rested both hands on her hips.

Without breaking eye contact with her little sister, Elsa opened her clutch, and took out her iPhone.

19 missed calls from Anna

12 missed calls from Flynn

58 iMessages from Anna

32 iMessages from Flynn

3 iMessages from Punzie

She flushed.


Anna was looking at her expectantly, tapping her right foot on the floor.

"Hehe" Elsa let out a nervous laugh "I'm so sorry Anna. We were working nonstop and-"

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GOING TO GOD KNOWS WHERE WITH JACKSON FROST!" Anna exploded. Elsa pinched the bridge of her nose at her sister's noisy yet expected outburst. "He could have killed you, for all you know! Flynn was going ballistic! He was about to send a search party for you!" Elsa just groaned.

"I'm sorry, Anna. But jeez, aren't you overreacting a bit? You knew I needed to do the project with him! And for a millionth time, he is not going to kill me. And how did Flynn found out I was missing, anyway?"

"Well, when you didn't show up for lunch, I texted him to ask him if he saw you or if he knew where you were!" She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why would you do that? You know how he gets!" Elsa whined.

"Well, I didn't know what to do! Since you didn't let me know anything!" Anna excused herself, and sighed, with a slight hurt look on her face. "Elsa, maybe you think he's not that bad or whatever, but you know how I feel about this whole situation" She started. "I was crazy worried about you. Why couldn't you just send me at least one text?"

Elsa gazed at her sister and pressed her lips in a thin line. Anna was hurt, and worried. Even though she and Flynn were ridiculously overreacting about this, Anna was right. She should have sent her a text letting her know what she was doing.

She sighed.

"You're right" She said "I'm really sorry, Anna. I totally forgot. But I promise you that I'm gonna text you every time from now on, just so you don't worry that much" She said with a small smile. Anna smiled pleased at her answer and hugged her sister tightly, Elsa giggled.

"Well, now that you admitted that you were wrong... You're cooking tonight" Anna said with a sing song voice and a smirk, Elsa rolled her eyes playfully.

"What do you want?" She asked, already knowing her answer.

"BREAKFAST FOOD! YAY!" Anna screamed.

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