• Twelve •

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Sure- Jack.

Elsa smiled in relief, now she was 90% sure that he was not mad, but she couldn't discard the 10% possibility just yet. She'll just have to wait till tomorrow.

Elsa was about to go to sleep again, until there was a knock on the door. She groaned.

She made her way tiredly towards the door and unlocked it, but just as she was about to open it, the door snapped open.

Rapunzel and Merida rushed inside, almost knocking Elsa down. Both of them gasped just as soon as they laid eyes on her.

"Holy..." Merida muttered.

"She was telling the truth!" Punzie squeaked, both hands covering her mouth. Elsa looked at them confused, as she slowly closed the door.

"Who was telling the truth?" She asked, eyes narrowed.

"Who else? Anna just called us to tell where ye've been hiding this morning!" Merida said accusing her. Elsa blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I wasn't hiding!" Elsa immediately defended herself. Punzie gasped again.

"So you really stayed at Jack's?!" Punzie squealed. "Oh my gosh! I knew it was an awesome idea to convince you on doing the project with him! You two are so cute!" Rapunzel fangirled while jumping up and down, Elsa and Merida stared at her like she was crazy.

"Why am I friends with ye again?" Merida asked, rolling her eyes.

"Aw, c'mon Mer! You know they are perfect-"

"Are not" she interrupted

"For each other!" Punzie finished screaming. Elsa rolled her eyes but couldn't help but blush.

"Whatever!" Merida exclaimed. "The important part here is that Anna almost called yer parents, ye should have text her! Ye have no idea how worried she was" Merida scolded.

"Yes, I know. I already talked to her and said sorry." She really wanted to move past this. She knew that the only person that liked Jack was Rapunzel. She knew that maybe if this was about some other guy (other than Pitch... or Hans) they wouldn't be making such a scene. "You know what? As an apology, I'll take you to lunch... or late lunch. My treat" she offered.

Merida's gaze softened, and she rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Fine. But no boys, I'm not in the mood to deal with Flynn right now" Merida said.

"Hey! You're so mean!" Rapunzel whined and Merida shrugged.

"Sorry Punz, but yer boyfriend is a pain in the ass" Merida said, plopping on the couch, and Punzie pouted, whispering a 'No he's not' under her breath. Elsa just giggled.

"I'll take a shower while Anna returns, you two are ready to go right?" Elsa asked while she unlocked her room, Rapunzel and Merida nodded.

Elsa just nodded and entered her room, she washed her hair since it was all tangled, and after cleaning herself up, she went to one of her closets to pick a beige sweater with a blue doll collar, a pleated black skater skirt, black translucent tights and threw on the same navy blue coat she used yesterday.

Once she was ready, she went to the living room, locking her door behind her; and was happy to find Anna already there.

"Finally! I'm starving" Anna said and quickly got up, Elsa just chuckled.

"Where do you want to go?" Elsa asked.

"I'm fine with everything" Punzie just shrugged.

"I'm in the mood for pasta" Merida said, and Anna immediately jumped of joy.

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