• Fourteen •

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Elsa's Saturday began pretty well. First of all, she had slept in. She had worked the whole week non-stop and she was really exhausted yesterday when she went to bed. So, she finally felt like she was rested.

Also, she and Jack had finally caught up with their classmates. It's been pretty rough and tiring, but they had managed to catch up.

So, in compensation, they decided to take a break from the project for the whole day. And her plans of 'break' was to stay in her dorm the whole day, eating junk food and watching Netflix.

It just sounded so perfect.

It was like around 11 a.m. already, so after she brushed her teeth she went out of her room still in her pajamas to ask Anna what she'll like for lunch.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty" Flynn said the moment she got out of her room. She rolled her eyes en chuckled. "You finally decided to join us"

"Morning, Flynn" She said rolling her eyes and chuckling. "And shut up, I was tired"

She walked into the living room where everyone was; Anna and Rapunzel were giggling and squealing about Anna's date, Merida and Hiccup were watching something on the T.V and Flynn was completely bored out of his mind.

"What are we doing?" Elsa said and took a seat besides Flynn. Everybody turned to her.

"Hiccup and I have something to propose-"

"You. Only you" Hiccup clarified. Flynn frowned at him.

"Yeah okay, whatever" He said. "Anyway, since today is Saturday and we hadn't hang out in weeks.. We were thinking on going to the party tonight!" He exclaimed in excitement, hanging his fist on the air.

All the girls stayed in silence.

"What party?" Punzie asked, and Flynn gasped dramatically.

"You don't know about the party?" He asked in disbelief, and all the girls shook their head. "Oh my god. Phillip's party! The first big and amazing party there's gonna be after months!"

They stayed in silence again.

"Count me out" Merida said, turning again to watch the T.V.

"Yeah.. Me too" Punzie said smiling sheepishly at her boyfriend.

"Me three!" Anna exclaimed, Flynn looked at her hurt. "Oh, c'mon Flynn, you know I really don't like Phillip's parties... they are excessively crowded and that usually means sweat, smoke and puke everywhere" Anna said shuddering in disgust.

Flynn looked at Elsa, with one last bit of hope.

"Sorry, Flynn" Elsa said with an apologetic smile. "I'm really tired and I just want some Netflix and junk food"

"Oh c'mon!" Flynn whined.

"Told ya" Hiccup said chuckling. Flynn pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Heartbroken.

"Fine, bore yourself out on a Saturday night. Hiccup and I are still going" He said offended.

"Whatever" Merida muttered. Anna and Rapunzel giggled.

After that they all stayed at the Winters's dorm and ordered junk food requested by Elsa. Punzie managed to woo Flynn after about 30 minutes of playing offended, so they just decided to watch a movie and exchange some news going around the campus after that.

"So, where was Elsa last Saturday when you told us she was missing?" Hiccup suddenly asked Anna.

Elsa's blood ran cold and she paled. Oh Christ. What was she supposed to say now? If she told the truth, Flynn was going to have a heart attack and Hiccup would die of shock.

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