• Eight •

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The whole dorm was completely dark, the sky was also so dark that even if was still like 5 p.m. It looked like it was already night time. Not even a little trace of artificial light entered through the large windows, indicating that indeed, the whole campus was with no power.

It made Elsa wonder why didn't the school generators work, could they possibly have malfunctioned too?

Jack's silvery white hair could be easily seen, though. Elsa heard him sigh in exasperation, plopping his stuff and backpack harshly on the ground. Indicating that he was not going to be able to move anytime soon.

Elsa was panicking, to say the least. She was with an angry Jack Frost in a darkened room with nowhere to go. One that she made angry.

No, she wasn't afraid of him, contrary to the popular belief. She was sure that he would not hurt her, even if he hurt several people before. Something just told her that he won't do such thing.

She was just panicking about the fact that she angered him, and she didn't actually know how to fix it. She was looking forward to be at least an acquaintance to him.

He stomped towards one of the couches and plopped on it, groaning.

Elsa bit her lip nervously, to then inhale deeply.

"Look Jack, I'm sorry" She started.

"About what? The princess controls the campus electrical power too?" He snarled. Not looking at her.

"You know what I'm talking about... I- I shouldn't-" She tried to explain.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have, but you did it anyways. Because that's what you do. You do whatever you please here, you rule this campus and now you think you can do whatever pleases you when it comes to me too" He spat every word, while walking dangerously towards her, and stopping merely inches before her, looking down straight into her eyes.

Elsa felt the urging need to taking a step back. She blinked rapidly in confusion, feeling instantly attacked by his words and the strong emotions of his eyes.

Wasn't he overreacting a bit? It was just a picture, on his lock screen. Does he really thought of her like that? Like she believed she was some kind of ruler of the campus and the students?

Just the idea of someone thinking of her like that made her chest feel instantly and hardly pressed.

Just as she felt her vision starting to blur, anger replaced the sadness she felt.

"Whatever pleases me?!" It came out louder than she intended "What makes you think I'm trying to control the campus or to control you?" She screamed, pocking his chest with her index finger.

"Then what else in fucking hell are you trying to do?!" He shouted too. Elsa gazed at him in confusion. She had no idea what he was talking about.

He clenched his fists and jaw. He was tired of this, it was driving him insane. It was driving him insane not to be able to predict things, to be prepared. The fact that she was exactly the opposite of what he expected was too confusing and it didn't make any sense. There's always a bit of truth in rumors, there's always a bit of truth in appearances. She was acting all nice and friendly towards him that it only brought one possible explanation to his mind: she was lying. She was pretending. Maybe she needed to control everything, to rule everything, so now she was going for him.

He won't let her.

"You really think I'm that stupid, your majesty?" He snarled. She continued to look at him in confusion. "You acting all nice and friendly, buying me coffee, inviting me to your dorm, cooking for us, talking sweetly. I know you're lying. I know what type of person you really are. You're just some snobby, spoiled, rich princess that wants to have everything on the palm of her manicured hand. And now for some strange reason that only God knows, you want me to be part of your puppets as well" He shouted, moving slowly towards her every time he finished a sentence. Elsa just stepped back, each time. "I'm not part of your sick kingdom" He finished looking at her different this time.

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