• Thirteen •

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Sunday morning came a lot quicker than she thought.

She couldn't remember the time she fell asleep yesterday, she spent a lot of time just thinking. Thinking on how the events of today could turn out. She also tried to imagine how his life could be like. Who did he talk to when he felt alone? Who did he call when something good happens to him? Or when he needed something? Did he have any real friends? Maybe he was still in touch with someone from his high school?

Those and many other questions crossed her mind. He looked so lonely to her... but he also looked like he liked it, in some confusing way.

She stayed in her bed for some time, just wishing for time to pass quicker. After looking at her ceiling deep in thought, she finally got up and began to prepare herself for the day.

She took a long and refreshing shower, brushed her teeth and braided her hair into her signature French braid.

She checked the time; 10:46 a.m. the perfect amount of time to get prepared.

She decided to wear a slim white jean, a light blue long-sleeved shirt with a navy blue sweater on top (leaving the shirt's collar out) and black ankle booties. She picked all the stuff she'll need to work and a black purse, and then she got out of her room.

"Morning sis" Anna greeted, while munching on her cereal. Elsa raised a brow.

"It's almost 11, you're going to still be full by lunch time" Elsa said.

"I know!" Anna whined. "I can't help it I'm just so anxious! I've been eating since 8:30 in the morning!" Anna complained, Elsa just giggled.

"What time are you going to meet him?" Elsa asked.

"Right after lunch. But I'm pretty sure I'll be rolling on the ground by that time" She answered, and then narrowed her eyes. "Where are you going?" Elsa blushed slightly.

"Project meeting" She quickly said, adverting her eyes. Anna raised a brow.

"Oh" Anna said. "So you're leaving your sister alone for lunch, again" Elsa rolled her eyes, Anna could be quite a drama queen when she wanted to.

"Anna, you were the one that left me the other day-"

"Same difference" She quickly said. Elsa sighed.

"Plus, you'll be too worried preparing for your date-"

"DATE?! Oh my god you think this is a date?" Anna asked with shiny hopeful eyes. "Oh my gosh this could be a date! I thought that he only wanted me to meet his dog but... Maybe this is a date! Do you really think this is a date?" Anna asked after babbling.

"Uh..." Elsa just gazed at her not knowing what to say.

"Oh Gosh I need to pick up the perfect outfit!" She said in sudden realization, and rushed to her room. "Bye Elsa!" she screamed.

Elsa shook her head smiling and the time again.

11:17 a.m.

It was still early but if she stayed any longer she'll surely go insane.

Should she text him that she was on her way?

She bit her lip. She decided not to, there were less probabilities of him canceling if she just showed up there.

She got out of her dorm and locked it right behind. She got out of the building greeting some known faces on the way out and then got in her car. She quickly started the engine and made her way towards Blue Star Building. Her nervousness increasing by the second.

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