The Runaway Bride

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The amount of times I laughed while writing this, oh my God. XD It took a while, but I got it done!

The Time-Tylers meet Donna, face off the Racnoss, Anna steers the ship, and she is definitely still a child. :P

Enjoy "The Runaway Bride!"


"What the hell is this place?" the ginger in white demanded.

The Doctor just shook his head, stunned. "What?"

"Doctor, how did she do that?" Rose Tyler asked, eyes wide.

"She shouldn't be able to," the Doctor checked the console. "We're in flight! That is . . . that is physically impossible!" He turned to the ginger. "How did - "

"Tell me where I am!" she glared. "I demand you tell me right now, where am I?"

"Inside the TARDIS."

"The what?"


"The what?"


"The what?"

"She's called the TARDIS," Rose interrupted

"That's not even a proper word!" the ginger scowled. "You're just saying things."

"How did you get in here?" the Doctor frowned.

"Well, obviously when you lot kidnapped me!" she pointed from the Doctor to Anna to Rose, all three of them looking at each other in a mixture of amusement and confusion. "Who was it? Who's paying you?" She gasped. "Is it Nerys? Oh, my God, she's finally got me back! This has got Nerys written all over it!"

"Who the hell is Nerys?" Rose's eyebrows shot up.

"Your best friend!"

"My best friend doesn't know I'm here!"

"Hold on, wait a minute," the Doctor frowned. "What are you dressed like that for?"

Rose groaned and put her head in her hands. The ginger just gawped at him. "I'm going ten pin bowling," she said slowly.

"Why would you go ten pin bowling in that?" Anna raised an eyebrow, considering the dress.

"Why do you think, dumbo? And the blonde ditz, too?" the ginger shouted, making the Doctor's eyes narrow. "I was halfway up the aisle! I've been waiting all my life for this! I was just seconds away, and then you . . . I don't know, you drugged me or something!"

Anna blinked and looked at Rose. "What's a ditz?"

"My daughter is not a ditz!" the Doctor growled. "And we haven't done anything!"

The ginger ignored him. "I'm having the police on you! Me and my husband, as soon as he is my husband, we're going to sue the living backsides off you!"

"Mum, what's a ditz?" Anna asked Rose insistently.

"An insult," Rose shook her head. "She's basically saying you aren't smart."

"No, wait a minute!" the Doctor's voice made them turn back around to see the ginger running for the doors. "Wait a minute, don't!"

She opened the doors and stood in shocked silence, looking out at the remnants of a supernova. Rose gasped, eyes wide as she looked out. "Did we do that?"

"Burnt it up to say goodbye," Anna whispered to her, nodding.

"You're in space," the Doctor told the ginger. "Outer space. This is my spaceship. She's called the TARDIS."

Saxon (Entry Three in The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now