The Odd One Out

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*pokes head in* Well, here's hoping I'm safe after that stunt I pulled in "As Brittle As Quicksilver." Who's ready for an Anna update?

Enjoy this quick little interlude before "Gridlock!"


"Sorry about the near death experience," Rose apologized to Martha as she led her further into the TARDIS. "That's . . . actually a recurring theme, so if that doesn't sit well with you – "

"I'm fine," Martha told her shortly. "I didn't die, and I'm getting a bit more exercise than I thought I would before."

"All right," Rose frowned. Had she said something wrong? She was just telling her the truth. "Right, so, the TARDIS keeps bedrooms down these corridors here, and from what I've gathered, this is the one for more permanent residents. Not sure where the Doctor's is, but mine's third on the right, and Mara's is next door on my left. Down that one there, to the left, the first room on each side were taken by two others in the past. Down the right, they should be empty. Take whichever room you'd like."

"Why're you down this one, then?" Martha considered the hallway they were in.

"Suppose it's because I've been here . . . oh, God, I think this is my third year now," Rose thought back.

"Your third year?" Martha's eyes widened. "What about your family? Don't they know?"

Rose brushed her hair behind her ear. "They know," she said quietly. "Believe me, they know."

"Rose!" Anna bounced in behind them. "I finally figured out which setting the stove needed to be on for those biscuits!"

"Did you?" Rose grinned, turning to see her looking very pleased with herself.

"Mmhmm," Anna nodded with a grin. "Tea's going and everything." She blinked, pausing when she saw Martha. "Oh, hello," she gave a brilliant grin to the medical student, making her blink. "Are you looking for a room? That's easy. Come on!"

Rose giggled when Anna took Martha's hand and practically tugged her down the right corridor. "Is she always like this?" Martha asked Rose as she was dragged.

"Practically always," Rose admitted, following them.

"Let's see," Anna hummed, checking the rooms. "Peri's . . . probably should keep that one. Oh, Ace's. Er . . . oh! Here!" She opened the door, then frowned and looked up. "You could make it a little bit bigger, you know." She closed the door, then opened it again. "There you are, Martha."

Martha took a look inside the room, eyes wide when she saw she had been given a simple room with a color scheme of black, dark brown, and red that would suit what she needed for the night . . . and possibly longer, if the ebony dressers were a given. The bookcases were ebony wood as well, and Martha ran her fingers over the covers of what books were already on it. "These are all for medical studies," she realized, eyes wide.

"You see?" Anna folded her arms and looked up at the ceiling. "That's how you make a room."

Rose chuckled as the floor hummed under her feet. "A bit stubborn, is she?"

"Just a bit," Anna grinned, then tapped Martha on the shoulder. She jumped slightly, and Anna smiled. "Hello! Did you want any tea or biscuits?"

"Er, no thanks," Martha shook her head, still skimming through the books. "I want to look through these."

Rose frowned, but Anna shrugged. "OK," she turned and took Rose's hand. "Come on, Rose!"

Rose giggled and followed her down the hall. "It was nice of you to ask her," she smiled at the girl.

"No one likes being the odd one out," Anna shrugged, plopping herself down at the table as Rose bent to check Anna actually did have the correct settings. "You, me, and Daddy, we work together. Martha's the new one. Back on Gallifrey, I was the daughter of a runaway Time Lord and a member of Rassilon's High Council. I didn't really fit in anywhere. I was always the odd one out. I'd rather not let that be Martha."

Rose smiled at Anna's thoughtfulness, then pointed at the stove. "Mara? You need to actually turn the stove on."

Anna stared blankly at the stove, then pouted. "One day. One day I'll get everything right the first time."

Rose just laughed as she turned the stove on, the Doctor poking his head in. "Is Martha settled?" he asked.

"Yeah, Mara found her room for her," Rose nodded. "Tell you what, I don't think she likes me that much."

"She doesn't?" The Doctor seemed surprised by that very thought. "What gave you that idea?"

"Well, first off, she wasn't happy with our sleeping arrangements back in 1599," Rose answered, getting the mugs of tea. "And I definitely don't think she was happy when she figured out we're together."

"Why wouldn't she like you?" Anna frowned. "I like you just fine."

"Not everyone's like you, Mara, dear," the Doctor patted her shoulder.

"But if anyone's got the right to not like the two of you together, it's me. It's my family's life that would change because of it. Martha doesn't have a say in who's in it and who's not."

Rose blushed as the Doctor gave a brilliant grin. "I wish every child we met was like you," he told his daughter fondly, kissing the top of her head. "You're brilliant."

Rose smiled at Anna, knowing that while having Martha for the tea and biscuits would have been nice . . . she treasured these little moments between family more.

Maybe Martha was the odd one out, but Rose supposed that was what happened when you joined the family of the last two living Time Lords.


Gotta love Annakamara. :) Yes, we need warm and fuzzy after "As Brittle As Quicksilver."

"Gridlock" is coming up next!

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