Author's Note - Please Read

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A lot of people keep asking questions, and I have to keep in mind that people who have my books in their libraries/reading lists may not actually follow me and therefore see posts on my message board. So, a few points.

This book is not dead.

When I finally posted a new chapter, I acknowledge a long time had passed since I updated, and I understand that. I understand people want updates. However, just because it's been so long since an update has happened, that doesn't mean it's dead. Keep in mind, I have three other Doctor Who series I work on as well, and in the past year, I've gotten into writing DCTV fanfictions as well, which have taken up a lot of time. That reason brings me to . . .

These episodes take super long to write.

I updated these books a lot when I was in high school. That was when I had an hour and a half study hall every other day, and had half an hour every weekday except Wednesdays for homeroom. Overall, that's two hours where, if I didn't have homework to do, I could dedicate to writing. And then there was any free time I had when I got home, which was quite a bit.

I am a college student now with classes I really need to pay attention to, with classes spread out all over the day. My earliest class these past two years have been at 8:00 (every day last semester), and my latest goes until ten until 20:00. I am also a music major playing two instruments for the university, so not only do I have rehearsals I need to attend, but I also have concerts and practice time I need to fit into my schedule. I do not have the kind of time I had in high school to write out episodes that could be anywhere from 5K-8K words at a time.

And finally . . .

I have other projects to work on besides Doctor Who now.

And yes, even though these were my first real books that made me popular on Wattpad, that does not mean my interests can widen out. Maybe when Doctor Who comes back at the beginning of October, I'll get my writing groove back. But like I said, I've expanded to writing DCTV fanfictions, and right now, those books' chapters are much easier to get written in the time I have during the week.

I understand you guys want updates. Believe me, I want to update all of my books as well. Right now, I'm working on a crossover with a fellow author for TBWC, and hopefully once that's done, I'll figure out a Doctor Who writing groove again.

I'll say that word again – hopefully.

That means I make no promises regarding when updates come. With the schedule I have, all I can promise is that I will stick to my update order in series – The Bad Wolf Chronicles, Apocalypse Rising, The Creators Saga, and The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady. I can't say I will update this series on this date around this time because that just won't happen.

I love these books, and the last thing I want is for people to think I'm abandoning them or giving them up because that is absolutely not true. I just don't have the schedule I used to in high school to pump out Doctor Who episodes like they take no time at all.

I just ask for everyone to be patient. Updates will come, but I can't promise when. I've said this multiple times before, and I'll say it again – my education and my personal life (including personal health) come before any kind of fanfiction writing I do. When it comes to choosing between working on a project/practicing for a concert/homework/taking care of myself when I'm sick or writing fanfiction, I will always choose the first option.

Thank you for reading, and I hope everyone understands. I would never have made it this far on this site without everyone who has read these books, and I just ask that you stick around with me and trust me that I will get updates out when I get the time to write them.

Thank you so much again, and long live the OTPs!

~ Miss Moffat

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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