The Lazarus Experiment

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So today has been . . . an interesting day. Rain made us nearly miss our first train . . . which was then running twenty-five minutes behind, so we barely made our second train, and I'm uploading this while my dad's sorting out a rental car thing. Welcome back to Germany for me!

So, it's back to present day, the crew meets Lazarus, and a specific Tyler trait comes out in Anna during the adventure.

Enjoy "The Lazarus Experiment!"


"There we go," the Doctor nodded as he applied the brake. "Perfect landing! Which isn't easy in such a tight spot."

"You should be used to tight spots by now," Martha remarked, not seeming to be aware of the slightly less than happy air the family was giving off. "Where are we?"

"The end of the line," the Doctor gestured to the door. "No place like it."

They didn't know what Martha was expecting when she left, but it certainly wasn't home, as evident by her jaw dropping. "Home," she turned, eyes wide. "You took me home?"

"In fact, the morning after we left, so you've only been gone about twelve hours," the Doctor confirmed.

"Is it for sure?" Rose quirked an eyebrow.

Anna giggled and held up Martha's alarm clock. "Yes."

"Just making sure."

"Twelve hours," the Doctor nodded. "No time at all, really."

"But all the stuff we've done," Martha blinked, confused. "Shakespeare, New New York?"

"Yep," he confirmed. "All in one night, relatively speaking. Everything should be just as it was. Books, CDs – "

"Laundry," Anna nodded at it.

Martha frowned in her direction, which the Doctor was quick to divert. "So, back where you were, as promised."

"This is it?" Martha asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," the Doctor nodded. "We should probably – "

The phone rang, then the answering machine picked up. "Hi, I'm out. Leave a message."

"I'm sorry," Martha sighed, going over to check it.

"Martha, are you there?" Francine's voice said. "Pick it up, will you?"

"It's Mum," Martha shook her head, turning around. "It'll wait."

Rose frowned, folding her arms. If it had been her mother, she'd have picked up. But before Martha could talk again, Francine continued. "All right, then, pretend that you're out if you like. I was only calling to say that your sister's on TV. On the news, of all things. Just thought you might be interested."

Martha frowned and turned, picking up the remote. She clicked it on, revealing an old man speaking to a crowd. "Tonight, I will demonstrate a device which will redefine our world," he said.

"She's got a new job," Martha explained, pointing to Tish, who was at the old man's side. "PR for some research lab."

"With the push of a single button, I will change what it means to be human!" the man declared.

Rose's eyes bugged out. "Did he just say he was going to change what it means to be human?!"


"Oh, black tie," the Doctor grumbled as they walked towards Lazarus Laboratories, the Doctor wearing the tuxedo he had worn back in the parallel world. Martha had found a wine-colored dress in her closet, while Rose and Anna had gone back to the TARDIS wardrobe. Rose was wearing a black dress with thin straps, a dark grey faux fur coat around her, her blonde hair scrunched into messy curls that worked for her, black heels on her feet. Anna had chosen a short white dress with a skirt that puffed out, the waistline and the collar emphasized with red and dark pink flower patterns, wearing white sandals with matching patterns painted on them. "Whenever I wear this, something bad always happens."

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