Evolution of the Daleks

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*cautiously peeks head in* Er . . . I live?

OK, I swear, honest to God, I did not mean for this part to come out so long after "Daleks in Manhattan!" I just got so caught up with my DC fics and my Doctor Who mojo just never sparked when I finished school, and with how busy summer's been and how obsessed I still have been with my DC stories . . . well, better late than never, I guess. Hopefully everyone is still interested in these books!

So, after months . . . the Cult of Skaro is back, Martha pulls an parallel husband, and Rose is just done with self sacrificial Time Lords.

Enjoy "Evolution of the Daleks!"


"These humans will become like me," Sec declared. "Put aside the Doctor's daughter. Let her watch."

"Leave me alone!" Martha shouted as a few of the pigmen grabbed her to yank her towards the Daleks, Anna thrashing to try and escape the pigmen holding her. "Don't you dare!"

Rose backhanded one of the pigmen trying to grab her, then music started playing from nearby. Everyone froze, and Sec tilted his head. "What is that sound?"

"Ah, well!" the Doctor popped around some equipment, grinning. "Now, that would be me. Hello!" he waved, setting down his radio. "Surprise, boo, et cetera."

"Doctor," Sec narrowed his eyes.

"The enemy of the Daleks!" one of the Daleks bellowed.

"Exterminate!" another spun around.

"Wait!" Sec ordered.

"Well, then," the Doctor tilted his head, walking up to examine Sec. "A new form of Dalek. Fascinating and very clever."

"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter," Sec informed him.

"How did you end up in 1930?"

"Emergency temporal shift."

"Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, huh?" the Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world, but instead you're skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. All of which results in you."

"I am Dalek in human form."

"What does it feel like?" the Doctor asked, looking him up and down. "You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. It is Dalek Sec, isn't it? That's your name? You've got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you're thinking right now."

"I feel . . . " Sec paused. "Humanity."

"Hell does freeze over," Rose murmured, making Martha blink at her as Sec turned away.

"Good," the Doctor nodded. "That's good!"

"I feel everything we wanted from mankind," Sec continued. "Which is ambition, hatred, aggression, and war. Such a genius for war."

"Guess it didn't freeze over," Martha whispered as Rose balked.

"No," the Doctor shook his head as Anna looked back and forth between the Doctor and Sec like she was watching a tennis match. "That's not what humanity means."

"I think it does," Sec countered, turning back. "At heart, this species is so very Dalek."

"All right," the Doctor scowled. "So what have you achieved, then, with this Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! Because I can show you what you're missing with this thing." He held up the radio, gesturing to it. "A simple little radio."

Saxon (Entry Three in The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady)Where stories live. Discover now