• 00 • Fates Wheel •

273 34 154

What had seemed like a normal year, turned in to the start of thunder and rain •

A door slightly opened, and a tall, slender figure holding a book, walked in.

"Ah! You're back..." A voice greeted him, handing the figure a cup of tea, "How was the meeting?"

"The usual of course, one big chaos, and everyone screaming in hopes of beign heard." the figure sounded tired, as he slumped down on the sofa, "Everyone had an opinion, but none of them listened to one another."

"Why do you even go if you hate it so much?" a third voice beamed, a dark brown haired figure plopping down on the couch, "Look at me, I give them one glare and they are gone." he sounded proud about his reputation.

"Dont be proud about running away from your responsebilities, idiot." the one pouring tea joined them

"Tch, no need to be so uptight." The younger one sounded displeased.

He was ignored, as his elder called out to the remaining four to come drink tea.

"COMING!" a loud voice yelled back, from the room next to them. A few seconds later a orange haired figure ran in, followed by one tall blonde head and one small ashen haired, figure.

"Where's grampa?" the tired one asked, he actually wanted to go to his room and sleep but, spending time with his friends was refreshing too.

"He's probably sleeping somewhere around here." the ashen haired male answerd, "Somewhere we can't find him."

"Or maybe he flew of to space, just not to be bothered." his blonde companion said seriously.

His statement might seem lighthearted, as he was staring of in space with a blank stare, but theur second oldest was capable of doing so. He even turned himself in to lifeless objects from time to time, just to avoid life and rest.

"This time I'm not going after him." The eldest immediately stated firmly.

"For a space caddet, u make really sharp comments." The ashen haired male told the blonde one.

"If I'm a space caddet, you're the midget who has a voice bigger than his own body." Was the savage reply he got in return.

"What did you call me?" Immediately the ashen haired male flared up.

"The two of you are so weird, just stop!" The free bird chipped in, stopping them from further fights.

"Your one to talk muscle pig!" The eldest commented, as the midget, and space cadet, turned their attention at him in unison.

"Cant we have one peacefull moment?" the tired voice put his cup down, and gave them al a done expression "Especially you as the oldest make the loudest noice."

"He's not going to like that!" the energetic one beamed - he noticed how their eldest face flushed red, and produced a shaky laugh.

"AFTER EVERYTHING I DO FOR YOU, YOU STILL DISRESPECT ME LIKE THIS?" the eldest screeched, feeling treated unfair.

"Let me sleep!" suddenly a voice - from behind the sofa groaned, "No matther were I go, or what I do, you guys always turn it in to chaos!"

"Oh look, someone decided he had a opinion to voice." The irritated eldest commented with a huff "Maybe if you didn't sleep everywhere like a hobo, your sleep wouldn't get disturbed." 

The oldest jumped behind the sofa, and dragged the sleepy head out by his arm.

"Your going to dislocate my arm!" he prosted in a drowsy voice.

"Get up Yoongi, be a bit more active." The eldest reprimanded him, "Be have like a human."

"Alright, alright get of my arse." gramps surenderd, as the eldest let him go

"Diction please." Was the only response he got.

"Will you please get of my derriere." gramps gruffed, making the rest chuckle.

"Your hopeless." The eldest sighed defeated.

"Anyways, we have more important stuff than this right now, to discuss" the tired one stated, grabing everones attention.

"Yeah, he's right" midget agreed grinning "Like the new class we have to take responsibility for."

"Oooh them," Gramps said sarcasticly, leaning back on the couch with a bored expression "See me care."

"Dont judge them before you know them." The energetic one whined.

"No, he's right," Free bird agreed with a stern expression, "We didn't have to do this, until we became the schools 'idols', unvoluntairly."

"Well, at least we got those three to help us." The energetic one tried staying optimistic.

"I'm not sure, if that is going to be a big help." The eldest mumbled to himself, only hearable for the tired one. The later gave him a quick worried glance.

"Well if they dont bother us, whats the problem?" The ashen haired midget shrugged.

"What's the problem? You know why they were called here right?!" Free bird huffed in protest once more, "Because our principal had a insight. What ever that even was."

"How are they not going to bother us," gramps added with a groan, "First of al, they are our responsebility from now on. Second, that's why they have been called here!"

"Where are they actually coming from? Earth? Neverland." suddenly blonde head questioned, "Because that would be awesome!"

"More of an hassle you mean," the free bird rolled his eyes, "if they come from earth."

"Well, the thing is," The eldest softly broke the news, "they don't know the real reason for getting admitted to this school."

"Say what?!" Midgets eyes turned big, and his head snapped towards their eldest.

"Yeah they dont know," The tired one reassured them a bit, "So we still have time to think about the things that have been found out, and what we are gonne do with it. Adjust to it or abide. Our lifes will still be in our own hands for a while, until fate starts spinning it's wheel."

"The worst thing is," gramps added, with a dark look, "we don't even get the chance to avoid them, to slow down fate's wheel."

His words left a silence, as everyone was lost in toughts of their own.

"Still, I wont succumb" Free bird broke the silence, with his kept stubborn comment.

"Dont judge a book by its cover." The energetic one, softly reprimanded their youngest.

"Exactly, maybe its not about the happy ending,"  Pink hair mumbled looking in his tea, "maybe its about the story itself."

"Well, for now, lets just see what happens" midget sighed, compromising between, doom and positiveness, "Let the flow, do it's work."

"Yeah, actually, " a grin appeard on gramps face, a thought popping up in his head "If they survive that is... at Sacred Heart High for enchanments, magical arts, and culture..."

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