• Mulan •

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• A certain night at Sacred Heart High dorms •

"Why, cant I seem to calm down?" Hoseok tought, pacing around in his room, trying to calm himself down.

The moment the night had set in, his heart had started feeling restless, and he couldn't sleep.

Hoseok passed by the window sill of his room, and he caught and glimpse of the full moon. It was shining bright in the night sky, and something about it reminded him of something that had happened a long time ago.

"Minato." The name flashed through Hoseoks head as a memory flashed trough his mind...

Kobe, Japan •

It was from when he was a careless 12 years old, oblivious to the dangers of the world, het set out at night in Kobe, Japan.
That night, he had sneaked away from the inn his family was staying in.

Even though his parents were royalty, they preferred going to the human world for piece of mind. After all no one would recognises, nor bother them there.

"Wow this place is beautifull!" Hoseok whispered excitedly, as he looked around with big eyes, taking in every detail of the authenthic streets.

He had tried to get his siblings to go with him, but his always serious brother refused, and his sister had fallen asleep.

Hoseok had no other option left, as he really wanted to go, and he ended up alone on the streets. After all, he felt like he was old enough to go out alone.

Without noticing it, he kept wandering for a while without looling were he was going, and he ended up getting totaly lost in the backstreets

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Without noticing it, he kept wandering for a while without looling were he was going, and he ended up getting totaly lost in the backstreets.

He had nothing with him to contact his parents, and he saw no one around to ask for help. The neighborhood also didn't seem that friendly.

Hoseok sighed "I'm such an idiot! Now dad is gonne scold you for wandering alone!"

"Hey you!" Suddenly a voice yelled behind him.

Hoseoks body convulsed as he got scared, but hr didnt think they talked to him so he ignored it. Until he felt something hit his back and he was pushed to the ground.

"Oi, punk we were talking to you!" a guy his age, wearing a sukajan snarled at him with a menacing look.

"W-what do you want?" Hoseok tried to come over as brave and unbothered, but his voice quivered and gave him away.

The thugs laughed at him loudly, while one mocked him with a high pitched voice "Ooh, is the little boy scared!"

"I-I'm not a little boy!" Hoseok tried to protest, but his legs were wobbly as he tried to stand up, and they only laughed louder.

"Why is no one alarmed by their voices?" Hoseok though looking around, in hopes of someone helping him.

"Hey, I think he's looking for help." One guy noticed Hoseoks gaze, and they quickly surrounded him.

One guy put his foot on Hoseoks shoulder, rhoughly pushing him back in to the ground.

"Listen up p*ssy were from the Sumiyoshikai clan," the guy growled, Hoseok asumed he was the leader since the others seemed to follow him "you better remember, understood?!"

When Hoseok didn't react, he gave a forcefull kick against the shoulder, and Hoseok nodded his head with a whimper.

"Now give us your money, let us beat you up nicely," another one added, whilst the others had evil grins plasterd on their faces, enjoying Hoseoks pain, "Be a good boy, and make sure to never appear here again."

One guy was ready to land a punch but was stopped by a voice.

The voice hollerd loudly over the street, "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"

One of the guys turned around, to find out who the voice belonged to. When his eyes locked on the lone figure standing there, his eyes turned big, and he cursed "F*ck its Minato! Run!"

With the sight of that person, the whole group shatterd within a minute. The figure didn't bother to go after them, and walked up to Hoseok. He shielded himself, thinking this person was going to beat him too.

"Dont worry, I wont do anything to you." the figure extended his hand, wich Hoseok took cautiously, as he was lifted up "Are you hurt?"

"N-no I-im fine" Hoseok stutterd, slightly shuffeling a bit away from the figure.

"Good, now tell me," the male asked with a skeptical look, "what is a rich boy like you, doing here in the backstreets of Kobe?"

"Do I really look like a rich boy that much?" Hoseok questioned himself, as he looked down at his "casual" clothes.

"What are you doing here?" the tone of the male got sharper, as he took too long to answer.

"I-I got lost!" He hurriedly blurted out, instinctively raising his hand, to shield himself from a blow.

"Where do you need to go?" The voice turned a bit gentle, as the man saw his scared reaction.

"S-sakura inns." Hoseoks voice still quivered from the shock.

"Follow me." Without further explanation the man started walking, making Hoseok rethink wether he should follow or not, and that split moment, was too long for the figure.

"If you dont hurry up, they will comeback." That single warning was enough to make Hoseok run after the figure.

Soon enough - because of the males knowledge of Kobe, they were back in the - for Hoseok, familiar streets, leading to the inn he was reciding in, with his family.

"Thank yo-" Hoseok turned around to thank his helper, but the male had disappeared in thin air.

Confused Hoseok started looking around, but no sign of the male was seen,  "W-what? Where did he go that fast? I couldn't even thank him." he scratched his head confused, but then shrugged and screamed "SAVIOUR, THANK YOU FOR SAVING HOBIE!"

"Hopefully he'll hear it." Hoseok thought, walking inside the in.

All the bystanders looked at him as if he was crazy, but he didnt care, he was happy he was save and home. Little did he know, his saviour was listening in a nearby tree, hidden away from unwanted eyes by the shaddows.

Minato chuckled at the bright, but also slightly frivolous behaviour - in her eyes, of the boy.

"Minami! I finally found you!" a voice behind her hissed with visible tension,  wich she recognized as her best friend, Mushu.

"Where were you?" he asked, leaning against the tree with one claw, phanting dramatically "I've been flying al over for you."

"I had a little job to finish." Minami answerd vagualy,  before turning her back on the inn, and jumping to the next tree like a ninja "Lets go Mushu, we should head home."

Mushu followed her, confused and curious about her disappearance, but he decided not to ask her anything. He knew she would tell him, once she felt like it...

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