• Snow White •

151 21 35

• A certain morning at Sacred Hearts High

Bangtan was walking trough the gardens of their school, towards their first lesson. They were as usual fooling around oblivious to their surroundings, and the girls around them, were gaping at them in awe.

Whilst on the other hand, the male population of the school, was looking at them with jealous gazes, wanting to be part of their Kingka group.

"If only Jungkook was mine." a girl sighed in a yearning tone, earning a snarl from another girl "As if our youngest prince would be intrested in a ugly like you."

Jimin who heard their convo frowned "Not again!"

He hated people fighting for them, but he was too late, as the others had already disappeared inside.

It was time for their common lesson in magic incantations, and they were walking trough the hallway, leading to their classroom. Jimins thoughts were still in the garden, when he heard a soft, and  sorrowfull voice.

Mirror, tell me something,

Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

The voice started singing in a lonely way, and unconciously wrapped in her voice, Jimin started to follow the voice in to a different hallway.

Mirror, tell me something,

Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

Fear of what's inside of me;

Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?

"Who are you?" Jimin asked, looking around the hallway, but no one answerd. The voice calmly continued to sing, but now the voice sounded further away, making him follow in its wake.

Mirror, mirror, what's behind you?

Save me from the things I see!

I can keep it from the world, but not from myself;

Why won't you let me hide from me?

By following the voice, he ended up in a big hall elegant hall. A hall he had never before seen, in his time in the academy. The walls of the hall were decorated with golden decoration. And on the wall opossite of the entrance - Jimin had come trough, was a big mirror, lightened up on the sides by wall chandeliers.

"Excuse me, who are you?!" he asked in soft voice, but once again, no one answerd or showed up

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"Excuse me, who are you?!" he asked in soft voice, but once again, no one answerd or showed up. Only the lonely and sorrowfull voice continued it's song.

Mirror, mirror, tell me something,

Who's the loneliest of all?

That one question stuck Jimin, he couldn't understand how bad the situation must be, if someone asked a mirror that question, "Who's the loneliest of all? Is she singing about herself? Who is this person? And why can I hear her?" he thought identifiying the voice as a female.

Just as fast as the toughts passed his mind, the mirror infront of him started rippeling like water, before a silhouette became visible. The silhouette was of a girl, but Jimin could not see her face clearly.  All he could tell was, that she was looking very lonely, and together with her, he finally got his answer on his question. 

"I'm the loneliest of all"

She sang the last verse, as her eyes became clear for a split second, and her gaze pierced him trough the mirror. Her lonely, and pained eyes shocked Jimin, "What is she going trough?"

Suddenly someone shook his shoulders wildly, pulling him back to reality "Jimin?! Jimin?!" 

Jimin snapped his head towards the voice, and looked surprised at the said male, "What's wrong Yoongi?"

The elder, and the others - who were standing behind Yoongi, gave him strange stares.

"We have been calling you for a while now, because you randomly started screaming and turning around." Jin stated worriedly.

"What?! Really" Jimin feigned confusion, he himself not able to understand what just had happened.

"Yeah, what happened Jimin?" Taehyungs eyes scanned him in a worried way.

"You were screaming things like: 'Who are you?', before you froze and stared at the wall." Namjoon added a description.

"I dont know anything about screaming, maybe someone lost control of their magic?" Jimin laughed it off as he started walking again, " I mean two girls in the garden were about to fight for Jungkook. Who knows what might have happened there? It's better if we go now, or we're going to be late."

The others looked at each other, but Namjoon just shook his head, indicating to leave it alone. They followed Jimin, still giving his back a few worried glances.

"Maybe, he really wants to skip class." Hoseok tried to lift the mood with positivety. Going allong with what he said, the others just nodded their heads.

Not aware of the worried looks, Jimin thought "Why did I only hear you?...Should I find you?..."

Authors note •

Oef finally finished the character introductions. This concludes the little appetizers of the real story. I hope you enjoyed them thusfar.

Are you exited for the interractions, and when the finally come to the Academy? 

Look forward to an tumultous ride!

X Sage

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