• Ariel •

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• A certain day in the library of Sacred heart High •

"Namjoon?" a voice resounded trough the library, "Jin is searching for you."

"Oh, okay!" Namjoon answerd as he stood up from the table he was seated at, not bothering to close his book, "Thanks for letting me know. "

He grabbed his bag from he table, and walked away right as Yoongi approached the table.

"Namjoon, You're forgetting your book!" Yoongi called after him, but Namjoon was gone already.

Right when he was about to turn around, the pages in the book Namjoon had been reading, started flipping by themselfs, catching Yoongi's attention.

As he approached the book, a slight wind teaser his hair, as his senses got tingles by the smell of an ocean.

For stranger he didn't look surprised, for those who knew him, his slightly widened eyes gave him away.

Much to his confusion, the book openend on a page about atlantis and mermaids.

"Since when has Namjoon been interested in this?" Yoongi smirked scornfully, he had seen a lot in his life - elves, dragons, and even a unicorn, but a mermaid was the only thing he did not believe in.

"Atlantis, a mythical archipelago whose historicity is very doubtfull, and mysterious, just like its population concisting of merman and mermaids. A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature, with the head and upper body of a female human, and the tail of a fish. Whereas merman are their male equilvant."

Just as he finished reading what was written on the page, the text started fading away and got replaced by a single name.

"What in tarnation?" Yoongi thought, getting taken by surprise again.

On the second page, a faded away drawing appeared. It was a drawing of a female, who's face wasn't clearly visible. The only thing that stood out to Yoongi was, the bright red hair, gracing the females face.

 The only thing that stood out to Yoongi was, the bright red hair, gracing the females face

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"Chiara...Marera?" he called out her name, slightly confused as to why the book was showing him this.

He carefully reached out to touch the drawing, but when his fingers made contact, his hand slipped straight trough the book. The book corrugated as if it was made of water, and Yoongi even felt a wet sensation surrounding his hand.

"What the f-" Yoongi cursed, quickly pulling back his hand. He glared at the book as if was possesed.

The moment he pulled his hand back, the book turned back to normal and closed itself. After examining his hand, Yoongi came to the conclusion that it wasn't drenched in water, and in fact, had only felt wet.

Yoongi opened the book again to see if the page was still there, but he couldnt find it. The whole subject had changed, and there was no sign of any information on Atlantis or mermaids, in the book.  Frustrated he slammed the book close, "What the hell was that!" Yoongi growled.

Before he could wrap his mind too much around it, a voice could be heard calling out to him "Yoongi, are you still here?"

Namjoon came back with a surprised look on his face. Jin hadn't been far away from the library, and their talk had ended quickly.

"Namjoon, are you interested in Atlantis or have you ever read a book about it?" Yoongi looked at Namjoon with an intense gaze.

"No, never." Namjoon shook his head in denial, "There is less, to nothing on information about Atlantis. After the Marera pact had been signed 100 years ago, Atlantis slowly retreated itself from Neverland. Now we don't even know if Atlantis has ever been real, and if it still excisted."

"The what pact?" Yoongi made a slurping sound, indicating that he was thinking whilst asking the question.

"Marera pact." Namjoon repeated with an raised eyebrow, "The pact that made sure Atlantis would never get raised by curious Neverlanders and humans. Why are you asking this actually?"

"Nothing much, thought I could use it for a mythology project," Yoongi quickly made up a lie, "but seems not.."

"I could help you find some other subject?" Namjoon proposed, but Yoongi waved it away with his hand.

"It's alright, I'll manage." Yoongi said walking to the door, "First things first, a good nap."

"Alright." Namjoon laughed as he got seated at the table again "Rest well."

"Mhm." Yoongi nodded his head, walking out, but he felt far from rested...


Atlantis •

Inha was taking a afternoon nap, tired from swimming around the seaweed gardens, and playing with the younger fish, when a drowsy and raspy voice resounded trough her mind.


"Who?! What?!" In Ha Sat up in her bed with a shock, and looked around the room startled.

"What is wrong?" Sebastian fell of the bed out of surprise, and held up his arms in a fighting position.

"Did you call me?" In Ha gave him a dazed look, as she found no one else in her room.

"No..." Sebastian gave her a skeptical look, "young lady are you alright?"

"Yes, Sebastian." In Ha replied plopping back down back on the bed, "I must have been sleep drunk."

"I think so too." Sebastian replied, laying down next to her.

He knew In Ha could have really wild dreams, so it was no surprise that she sleep talked a lot,

"Must've been me hearing things..." In Ha thought, getting comfortable again, Sebastians snore leading the way to a exciting dream...

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