• Belle •

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• One lone night at Sacred Hearts High dorms •

With a deep sigh he looked at the rose infront of him. The rose placed in a glass bell, protecting it from any harm. Afterall it was his last life line.

"Is my time finally ticking?" he tought, as the rose petals glowed softly, before one petal dropped down.

"Is my time finally ticking?" he tought, as the rose petals glowed softly, before one petal dropped down

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Melancholicly, he looked at the snow falling around the rose inside the glass bell.

He tought back to the day that woman put this curse on him. He still rememberd the words till this day, afterall they were engraved in to his mind.

  On the first page, in that book, wich is my memory,

I see the chapter, the chapter when I first met you,

The words, I love you, spoken in a gentle voice, appear

Here begins a new life, is what I believed
But how could life be that easy,

From this day on, I curse you,
Jeon Jungkook

For breaking the heart of an innocent maiden, and leaving her lifeless

Until you shall find real love, 
You will be cursed to die as a beast

Within the lifespan of this rose,
May you find your doom,

Understand my pain and 
may that cold heart of yours, forever be lonely...

"If I knew this would happen," He brushed his fingers trough his hair frustrated, "I would've never gone close to her. One good deed turns in to a misunderstanding, and my whole life becomes a curse!"

He looked at the sky, and saw that the full moon was almost fully visible. The day he dreaded so much every month, came again, and he had to go trough hell again.

He stood up, and closed the door, as he waited for the transformation to come. One wich was different from his usual changes, one that gave him so much pain, that he felt like he died and came back.

His brothers, - who recided in the rooms nearby, knew what always happend. They hear him every month, but they knew he hated anyone seeying him like this. So they always bore the urge to come and sooth him.

Taehyung even once said, that hearing his heart-wrenching sounds, made him

Jungkook closed his eyes and sat down on the ground holding is his growl, he always thought of his family and brothers, as his transformation started.

He could gain a bit of reassurance from thinking of their faces. Although he has not met his family after the curse was placed on him. Afraid to see them look at him in horror.

Namjoon had taken it upon him - as their leader, to tell his parents about what had happened. His mother had immediately wanted to see him, but Jungkook refused. Until this curse was resolved, he wouldn't face them. Even if that meant not seeying them till his death.

A low growl escaped Jungkook, as his muscles started convulsing, and small rips appeared in his clothes. The process of turning in to the hideous being he was cursed too, finally started.

"True love?...As if that exists...People only look at money, fame, and exterior..."

Colmar, France •

"Dad, did you close the windows upstairs?" Jessie asked, walking around the house, and securing al the windows and doors.

The weather forecasted a thunderstorm tonight, and the wind was already blowing wildly. In their small town of Colmar, it would be very hot during day-time, and chilly at night.

"Yes, sweetheart." Her father replied as he came down the stairs, "I just did."

"Then we're save." Jessie smiled, checking their kitchen window - wich had a sturdy screw, one last time.

Just then, the lonely howling of a werewolf pierced the night, and Jessie looked around with big eyes, frozen in her movement.

"We have werewolfs around here?" Jessie asked stunned, never before had she heard one.

Instead of answering her question, her father stated in serious voice "The werewolfs cry sounded lonely."

"Dad, have you heard a cry before?" Jessies curiosiry got prickled, only having read about werewolves.

"Only once, when I was young and used to travel the world." Her dad explained, somehow he never liked talking about his past or Jessies mom.

"I see, do you think I can still catch a glance?" Jessie gave him a hopefull glance.

"No!" Her dad immediately looked at her with a startled expression, "Especially not during storm nights, when they are alone and lonely they are prone to attack. I would be crazy to let you out during this time."

Jessie didn't say anything, and just looked at the closed windows with a longing look.

The wolf let out one last lonely cry, before it turned silent, and only the howling wind could be heard...

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