• 03 • Once Upon a Restart •

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Tritons palace, Atlantis

"But daaaaad~"  In Ha whined, desperately clinging on to her dads arm.

"No, is no Chiara, you are not going!" Triton pried her hands of his arm.

In Ha - who had been begging him for five days, without result, got pretty mad with her fathers unfairnesses, and she blurted out in a loud voice, "Stupid Dad! All you ever care about is, this stupid palace! Ever since mom died, you've stopped caring about my-, or anyones feelings! Why won't you just trust me?!"

"In Ha!" her eldest brother - named Dale, scolded her for her big mouth.

"Dont stop me Dale! Someone has to tell you all the truth!" In Ha cut him off sharply, now directing her fury at him, "You think, you can always just tell me what to do, and never ever keep my feelings in check. Has any of you, ever asked me what I truelly want?"

"Thats not true Chiara, you know we only want the best for you" Aquata - her third  sister, tried to calm her down "We know you love exploring, but there are limits."

"What do you mean limits?! In Ha spat at her sister, in a belitteling voice, "Limits don't excist, until we create them! Do you think the palace, and Wilemstad are the only things on earth?"

"You're going too far Chiara." Dale stepped in, but In Ha payed no attention to him.

She was on full drive right now, and al her pent up frustration over the years started coming out, "You, created this little world for yourself, because all of you are so narrow minded! But I can't do this, I want more! You guys never realised, that this whole place is suffecoating for me! All you have to do, is let me attend Sacred Hearts! That's all I'm asking from you!" the last sentence came out almost pleadingly, as she felt tears of frustration pool her eyes.

"No, is no Chiara. Listen to your father, its far too dangerous." Milo - her second brother, also joined in on stopping her.

"Then why, did you teach me martial arts, for god sake?" In ha made a big frustrated gesture, before she said something she had never expected herself to say, "Then why are you allowed to visit Hawaii, and al these other places, Milo? Just because you have a lover, you can abide the rules. Don't try to act like a saint now."

"I-I..." Milo looked very flustered, as not many in the palace were informed about this fact.

"Enough Chiara!" Triton roared - loosing his patience, he wanted to stop this, before anymore secrets could be exposed, "You're not going, and that's the last thing I want to hear about this!"

Different emotions passed trough In Ha, and one side of her wanted to break with her family.

Her father had always been extremely strict on her, and although she knew about her siblings travel around the world, she never got mad at them. Not once did she cry or get mad for getting treated this unfairly, believing her time would come one day.

Yet, when her family opposed the one thing she wanted so dearly in life, and the one thing she had begged for so much, she just hated them. She couldn't understand how caging her like a bird, meant protecting her.

In Ha clenched her first tightly, as her powers started reacting inside her. If she got mad, and unleashed her powers no one could stop her, but she did not have it in her to hurt her family.

"Calm down In Ha." In Ha tried calming herself down, but her anger only subdued when a unexpected hand reached out to help her.

"Father, you should let her go." Her eldest sister - Alana, said softly. Alana was known to be the most calm one of the bunch, and usually didn't meddle in to these fights.

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