• 07 • "Nice to meet you" •

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The teacher clapped in his hand once to calm them down, and started talking, "Welcome class CC, we will be your homeroom teachers for the coming year," he pointed at the female teacher next to him, "My name is Kim Jongkook and my colleague is Song Ji Hyo". The female teacher made a little bow.

"The coming year is going to be sparta..." Taehyung mumbled already knowing his teachers torn.

"She looks really blank.." Ella thought looking at the female teacher who was wearing quite the blank expression.

"Before we move on to the 'proper' flow of things," Mrs. Song said, following Mr. Kim up, "I suggest we introduce ourselves to each other, to get a bit more comfortable."

Taehyung was about to protest, but Mr. Kim had already followed his train of thoughts and said: "Yes Taehyung, we will show your school ID's and you can just say a 'hello' or something."

As soon as he said that, the digital school board turned on and showed a list of their school ID's.

As soon as he said that, the digital school board turned on and showed a list of their school ID's

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"Is it me, or do they look a lot nicer in those pictures?" Ella whispered in Minami's ear

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"Is it me, or do they look a lot nicer in those pictures?" Ella whispered in Minami's ear.

"I bet ya, that they planned a photoshoot and took a thousand pictures," Minami whispered back, "Only to choose the best for their school ID."

"We'll start with the senior students, and we'll do it shortly," Ji Hyo said as she looked at Jungkook to start, "Because everything is quite obvious through the ID's."

"The name's Jeon Jungkook," he said looking around with a stern expression "Prince of Rosa Kingdom." 

Something in his voice told the girls that he was taunting, and flaunting with his title.

"Except for 2, all of them are younger than me!" Ella concluded glancing at the board.

Jihyo - who sensed the stuffed air, cleared her throat whilst giving him a glare for his rude behavior and looked at Jimin to continue.

"I'm Park Jimin, and the crown-prince of Enchanted Kingdom," He gestured at his friend next to him to continue

"Well, this is going to be a fun year.." Phoebe thought already feeling depressed.

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