post break up

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You wake up, completely hungover. Your head was pounding and you were lying half off of your bed. You did it again. You drank until you passed out.

After you and Jason broke up, any type of liquor has become your companion. Everyone has you pegged as this strong girl with unbreakable confidence and you wouldn't take shit from anyone. Sure, that was you, but you also break, and you cry when you get sad and sometimes you become insecure.

Drinking was your solace. It made you forget all the terrible feelings you have inside of you. You wondered if Jason was doing any better than you were. He has to be. Your phone starts ringing and that causes your head to start pounding.

"Hello?" you groan, your voice hoarse from the strong liquid you've been drinking the past couple of days.

"Whoa, are you sick or something?" you hear Aria ask.

"Nope, I just woke up. What's up?" you ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out to breakfast?"

"Yeah sure, wanna pick me up?" You don't want to drive when you're this hungover. You sit up and immediately brush your teeth and take a shower, your hair entering its natural state because of the water.

You decide to look decent to outweigh how you feel so you throw on a nice shirt with a cardigan and jeans. You hear the honk of a car and throw your sunglasses on to dull whatever sensitivity you will surely have of the light. Aria grins when she sees you walk out.

"Hey girl." she smirks.

"Hey." you groan while getting into the car. Aria drives over to the Brew, possibly the best cafe in Rosewood. When you step out of the car, your head starts pounding and a slight feeling of nausea creeps up on you and you try your best to suppress it.

Aria parks and as you're exiting the car, your heart nearly stops beating. There, across the street, stands Jason. Your ex-boyfriend. Your first love, your everything, the reason you've been drinking yourself into oblivion. He stops walking and just stares and for a moment, it's like all the sounds around you have stopped. The birds aren't chirping, there is no roar of cars, no talking just you and him.

Suddenly, you're being tugged into the Brew. Aria leads you to a table and sits down. "Look, I know you two just broke up but you can't have reactions like that." she says. You nod, knowing she's right. "And why are you're sunglasses still on? We're inside."

"It's just really bright in here." you tell her while shrugging. You glance through the window and Jason is just now walking away, catching a glimpse of you.

"Y/N, I'm going to ask you this and you're going to be honest with me; are you hungover?" Your breath hitches in you're throat and shame fills your body.

You groan and take a sip of your coffee and nod, your whole body aching. "Y/N, why? Why all of a sudden are you hungover every single day?"

You run a hand through your messy, tangled hair and say nothing. The silence obviously filled the gap for her.

"Oh," she starts gently. "This is because of Jason?" she adds. Again, you don't say anything, you just let Aria put two and two together. She gets up from her side of the booth and sits next to you.

"Listen to me Y/N, I know you loved him and he loved you and I know that all you feel right now is hurt and confusion but you can't do this to yourself. I don't know why Jason did what he did, maybe he has a reason or maybe he's just a dumbass but his decision doesn't get to dictate how you treat yourself. You deserve to be happy and loved and I'm sorry that you don't feel that right now but you can't do this to yourself." Aria explains.

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