jason imagine

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this imagine is for @treasure4900000007
hope u like this!

"Jason, stop!" I laughed breathlessly as he continued to tickle my sides. He rolls over onto his back, bringing me with him. I bury my face into his chest as his hands rest on each side of my waist. I sit up, my legs straddling him and smile.

His eyes flicker up to mine and he shakes his head, a grin appearing on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm so fucking lucky. You're gorgeous, Treasure. You're my everything."

I can't help the blush that is undoubtedly rising in my cheeks. Hearing Jason say those words, assuming he means them, felt validating for you. Of course, I don't need a man in order to feel validated but Jason and I's relationship has been secret so it's hard to know if it's real, if the love is really there.

"I love you." I speak quietly.

A couple minutes of soft kisses and whispers and cuddling later, I hear the front door open and shoot up, Jason following suit. I wasn't aware that anyone was supposed to be home yet.

"Hello?" I shout as my hands rest on Jason's chest.

"Y/N? I thought we were going to the Brew to study for this English test?"

The voice belongs to Aria, my sister and I instantly gasp in horror of what would happen if she walked up here to se Jason and I in bed.

"Fuck." I curse as I scramble off of my bed, rolling my ankle in the process. Jason stands up and gathers his things hastily while looking around my room for somewhere to hide because he isn't getting out without being seen by Aria.

"The closer." I whisper while shoving him towards it. "S-stay in there until we leave." I order. He nods and I quickly close the door just as Aria enters my room.

"You ready?" she asks skeptically. Her eyes travel over to my significantly messy bed and then back to me.

"Yeah." I answer her. She knows something is up. Aria has what I like to refer to as a sixth sense. She knows when something just isn't right.

"Okay, lets go." she says.

Aria and I arrive at the Brew, order some coffee and get to studying for this test. I hate lying to my own sister about something as large as my first, real boyfriend. She's the one I would usually go to about things like this. But if she found out and told the girls, they would never forgive me. Jason just has so much baggage that they don't want to get involved with since we already have so much attention as it is.

"Are you okay?" Aria asks, pulling me out of my overwhelming thoughts. I look up at her, my coffee cup sending intense heat throughout my hands. "You seem a little..distant."

"Oh, I'm fine." I say as convincingly as possible.

"You know I can read you like a book Y/N. You're my little sister-"

"By one year." I interject with a slight giggle in my voice. She always like to remind me that I'm younger. She practically hangs it above my head that although she may be shorter than me, she makes up for it in age.

"Well anyway, I can tell something's bothering you. What is it? You know you can tell me anything." she reassures me.

Is this it? Am I really about to admit to my sister that I've been dating Jason for the past 7 months? Will she ever trust me again? It's not like I want to keep this from her but it's for her own good.

"You mean that?" I ask warily, anxiety settling at the bottom of my stomach.

"What the hell Treasure? Of course!"

I take a deep breath and try to piece together words for how I'm going to tell Aria about this. What if she completely ices me out? She's been known to do that and I don't want to be at the receiving end of her anger.

"Jason and I have been together for about 7 months." I confess.

Her mouth parts slightly at my statement and for a moment, I think she's gone into shock. But then she looks down to the ground and I anxiously await her response.

"Together?" she questions softly.

"We've been dating, yeah." I clarify.

"I'm not even upset that you're dating, I'm just upset that you didn't tell me." Aria says coldly as she stands up, grabbing her purse and leaving me by myself at the table.

My heart aches and I assume she took the car so I'll have to walk home. I don't mind though. I enjoy goin for walks, getting the fresh air and examining the small town which I've come to love even if it is hectic.

As I make my way down the streets of Rosewood and towards my neighborhood, I spot all of the girls walking together, as we usually do, heading into my house. God, Aria probably called them over to discuss my recent fuck up.

I walk into my house and instantly notice all of the girls gathered in the living room, their expressions are ones of deep confusion.

"Seriously Aria?" I scoff. This is so like her to do this.

"Are you serious Treasure?" Spencer questions in a condescending tone. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "You're sleeping with the enemy." she adds.

I can't prevent a laugh from escaping through my lips at her ridiculousness.

"Oh my god, stop being so dramatic Spence. He's not the enemy. He never has been."

Emily steps forward slightly and decides her input needs to be heard.

"We don't want you getting hurt Treasure. We just, we don't trust him."

"He's not going to hurt me! He loves me and-"

I'm cut off by the front door swinging open only to reveal Jason standing with a large bouquet of flowers in his hand. His smile drops and shifts into a frown once he sees all of our faces.

I turn around to look at the girls who are practically frozen in place. Once I regain my composure, I walk towards Jason and place my hand in his as I try to walk out the door. He doesn't need to be here with people who don't respect him.

"Let's go." I mutter but he doesn't budge. He stays in place and I turn to look at him in confusion.

"No..what's going on? Is everything okay?"

"They know and they're being pretty fucking rude about it so I wanna leave." I explain harshly. They all look at me and I watch as regret falls over them. "Oh look, he brought me flowers. You guys better start discussing all the possible ways in which he can hurt me."

Aria sighs and steps forward, coming closer and closer to Jason and I.

"You're not gonna hurt her? We can trust you?" she asks quietly.

Jason nods quickly while snaking an arm around my waist.

"You can trust me. Look, I love Treasure. I'm in love with her and I would never even dream about hurting her. She's my girl." he explains.

And that was that. The girls learned to trust Jason. It took awhile but it happened. As for me, I've never been happier. I spent such a large portion of my life sad and confused and upset but now I have Jason. A is still around, we still get tormented but we're closer than we've ever been to figuring out who is behind the hoodie.

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