Kuro Created the Group Chat

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One day, Kuro grew bored at home. So he created a group chat just to waste some time:

Kuro created a group chat.

Kuro added Mahiru Shirota to the group chat.

Kuro added Misono Alicein and Snow Lily to the group chat.

Mahiru: Kuro, what are you doing?

Kuro: Nothing in particular. Just bored.

Mahiru: If you're bored, you know you should help clean the house right?

Misono: Ah! So this is what you commoners use for everyday communication! It is very interesting and handy indeed!

Lily: Haha sorry about this Mahiru-kun, Misono never had any outside friends before, so he's never been in a group chat. (^_^)

Misono: WHAT?! I have too! 😤  see?! I know how to use emojis!

Lily: Wow~ Good job Misono, I'm so proud of you~ ☺️👍🏻

Misono: By the way, where's Sendagaya? He doesn't have a cell phone right? Since he's only a middle-schooler...

Mahiru: Hm? Tetsu? I have his phone# I'll add him to this group chat

Misono: Seriously?! 😱

Mahiru added Tetsu Sendagaya to the group chat.

Tetsu: Oh hey big-bro Mahiru

Mahiru: Hello Tetsu 😊

Tetsu: This is... I'll add Hugh here

Tetsu added Hugh to the group chat.

Hugh: Wow! Hello everyone! The almighty Hugh has entered the stage!! 😎😎😎

Lily: Hello Hugh 👋🏻

Misono: Why hello shorty

Hugh: Like, you have the right to call me that

Misono: Shut up!! 😤

Lily: Now now Misono, calm down, you'll grow, you're still young 😅

Hugh: Hmph.  You shall follow under Tetsu's guidance to grow taller.  He works hard everyday. 😌

Misono: Why you- 💢

Mahiru: Aahh come to think of it, aren't we missing someone?

Tetsu: Someone? Who?

Kuro: No, don't Mahiru.

Mahiru added Licht Jekylland Todoroki and Lawless to the group chat.

Lawless: Hello hello! What an honour to be in the same group chat as nii-san and my adorable angel-chan! 😜😝😝😋

Licht: What? Why is the damn hedgehog here as well?

Lawless: Aww~ don't be shy~ I know you're just as delighted as I am! 😜

Licht: No! Go die you rotten hedgehog! I hope you bump into a tree and die! 💢💢💢

Lawless: .... Licht-tan is so violent even in texting... I'm done ✋🏻

Kuro: Ahh... This has become so troublesome...

Mahiru: But didn't you create this group chat yourself?

Kuro: I told you not to add them. 😓

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