The Melancholy Gang

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Sakuya:  There seems to be a lot of lying in this family...

Tsubaki:  And a lot of love 😎

Belkia:  Tsubakkyun's love is the best!! 😆😆😆

Tsubaki: Aww, thank you BeruBeru~ ☺️

Sakuya:  More lies 😒

Tsubaki:  You think I'm irritating!

Sakuya:  What?! I've never said that!  Well... Not out loud

Shamrock:  Young master! It's only a matter of time before that guy betrays us!

Otogiri:  You mean.. Sakuya?

Shamrock:  Yea! That brat is way too attached to that Sloth's Eve

Tsubaki:  Well, either way, no matter who betrays me, I will never betray anyone.  Because I believe in you all~

Belkia:  Aww, Tsubakkyun... 😭😭 *hugs*

Shamrock:  Young master! 😭😭 how considerate of you!

Otogiri:  You're embarrassing me..

Sakuya:  ..... Tch

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