Can't you take a joke?

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Otogiri:  This train is so crowded, but why is there an empty seat next to Beru? 😶

Sakuya:  That one's for his ego

Sakuya: It's so big it needs a seat of its own

Belkia: Hey!! 💢

Sakuya: It's just a joke! Can't you take a joke??

Tsubaki: Oh! Then I'll give it a shot too!

Tsubaki: Sakuya! What is 2 plus 2?

Sakuya: And what will I get if I answer correctly?

Tsubaki: I'll spend the rest of my life with you

Sakuya: Five

Tsubaki: ...

Otogiri: ...

Belkia: ... Pfft seriously?

Tsubaki: Sakuya... I thought you were smarter than this...

Sakuya: Then I guess you were wrong

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