Mikuni and Jeje

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Mikuni: Hey Jeje! Guess what? I FINALLY FOUND ABEL!! 😆😆😆😎

Jeje:  ...

Jeje:  Good for you

Mikuni: It was terrible!! 😫

Mikuni: I had to search around the whole town, though it was a good thing Mahiru-kun decided to help me along the way. And when Tsubaki-san helped me find Abel-chan, there was this guy with pink hair who was about to SLICE ABEL IN HALF WITH HIS SWORD!! 😱😱😱💢💢😠😠 LIKE HOW COULD HE??

Mikuni: It was a good thing that I arrived on time to save my poor baby girl 😊 Like wow, what a day

Jeje: ...

Mikuni:  So where have you been all this time? 🤔

Jeje:  ...

Mikuni:  ...

Mikuni:  Ok, I get it.  You don't want to talk

Mikuni:  BTW, Did you miss me? 😁

Jeje:  With every bullet so far.

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