Licht's Request

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Licht: Oi Mahiru

Mahiru: Oh? Licht-san? Well this is rare.. Ah-I mean how may I help you?

Licht: How is Neko-san doing?

Mahiru: Neko-san...? Oh! You mean Kuro! Umm He's fine as usual.. What's wrong?

Licht: I'm coming over to play with Neko-san

Mahiru: Eh-ehhhhh??? So suddenly?! W-why?

Licht: Why? Because I'm an angel *insert bishie sparkles✨*

Mahiru: ...... Is there a particular reason?

Licht: That shit rat pushed me down a flight of stairs the other day  [Refer to last chapter]

Mahiru: W-wow, seriously??

Mahiru: Wait... Just because of that?!

Licht: Why? Is there a problem?

Mahiru: Nope! Not at all!

Licht: Ok, I'm coming over

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