Kuro's Thoughts on Servamps and Eves

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Kuro: I didn't understand why Servamps care so much about their dumb Eves until I got a dumb Eve myself

Kuro: I've only been Mahiru's Servamp for around a year, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself

10 minutes later...

Mahiru:  How thoughtful of you, Kuro

Mahiru:  But wait! Did you just call me dumb??!

Kuro:  Yea, I did

Lawless:  Bwahahahaha! 😂😂

Kuro:  What's so funny?

Lawless:  This is why my denpa Tenshi-chan is the best!  👍🏻

Licht:  I never asked for your help, now go and die! 💢💢

Lily:  I'll admit that taking care of Misono is a lot of work.  After all, I am the one looking after the whole mansion, including the orphans 😞


Lily:  Ah, but! I'll never abandon you, Misono! I'll always protect you!

Hugh:  Hmph! If I have to say, Tetsu is the most outstanding Eve! He is after all, very strong for someone his age!

Misono:  Yea, though you forgot to mention how dense he is

Tetsu:  ?

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