Short People Problems

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Misono:  Tall people.  If we are walking, please take consideration of my tiny legs

Tetsu:  Why is that?

Misono: I can't keep up with you

Misono:  I don't want to be jogging to keep up with your leisurely stroll - you TITANS!

Tetsu:  Just get a pair of roller skates and hang onto my sleeve, we don't have all day

Misono:  You think I can roller skate??! Do I look like that kind of person??!

Lily:  Now, now, Misono.  I'm sure you'll grow 😅

Misono:  I'll have you know that I can bench press over six million and ninety-two nano grams!

Tetsu: Isn't that's less than two pounds?

Misono:  Sounded better the way I said it, hmph

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