Mikuni and the case of the Missing Abel

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Mahiru:  Whoa whoa, calm down, what's wrong? And wait - how did you even get in this group chat?! (o_o)

Kuro:  You need a chill pill, man

Misono:  OMG It's you! 💢 What're you doing here?!

Mikuni:  Hi Misono~ How I got here is not important.  BUT MY ABEL IS MISSING!  HAS ANYONE SEEN HER??

Lily: Nope, I haven't

Mahiru: Who's Abel? 🤔

Mikuni: You see this doll here? That's Abel!

Mikuni:  You see this doll here? That's Abel!

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Kuro: Then isn't she right beside you..?

Mikuni: No! You're wrong! That was a video we took a long time ago!

Mahiru: Okay then, when was the last time you saw her?

Mikuni: It was three hours ago... Abel and I were having lunch at a nice, sunny café... By the way our lunch was a deli plate of assorted homemade bread, in-season vegetable soup, milk tea, and cheesecake with berry sauce. Oh yes yes, the rye bread there was especially exquisite!

Mahiru: Umm... You're getting off topic...

Mikuni: After that, at the coffee shop, we ordered a chai tea latte with all milk, whip cream, caramel sauce, and extra vanilla syrup, then elegantly drank it on the terrace, but...!

Mahiru: Gah! This guy's annoying!!

Kuro: Then let's pretend we're not on our phone

Misono: So in other words, you lost your doll?

Mikuni: How rude! 😥 She's not a doll! Abel's... disappeared! Come to think of it, that Jeje! He's really insensitive! I'm wallowing in sorrow over Abel not being here, yet he slips off my neck and goes somewhere!

Mahiru: You were probably too annoying

Kuro: He hates loud noises after all

Mikuni: Aaaah Abel! Were you fed up with me? Where did you go? Did you not like that dress I made for you recently? I suppose a blue sundress didn't suit you much, but I thought it'd be nice!

Kuro: Ah... How troublesome... What should we do?

Mahiru: I don't know how to deal with him either. What does he want us to do?

Kuro: He may just want attention. I mean, Misono is all cold to him. He's lonely.

Misono: Hey! Are you blaming this on me?! 💢💢👿

Kuro: In a way, yes

Mikuni: Hey. Why are you talking amongst yourselves when I'm in trouble here?

Mikuni: Gasp Don't tell me, you guys...! You were imagining Abel in her new dress since I was talking about it just now!!

Mahiru: No! That text you sent was a long time ago!

Mikuni: Don't fantasize my Abel with vulgar eyes! Pervert!

Mahiru: Who would do that?! 💢💢

Mahiru: Ahh! How should I put this... Abel-chan will come back to you eventually! Whatever happens, you two are perfect for each other. Didn't she just want to be alone for a bit? Abel-chan's just at that age wait what am I even saying...

Mikuni: Abel's a doll so she doesn't have "ages". Is your head okay?

Mahiru: Okay you're way too annoying!! We're SIMPLY going to go search for your doll!! Happy?

Mikuni: WOO-HOO! We've gotta do that! This is a much bigger problem than Tsubaki or whatever!

Tsubaki: Eh?

To be continued...

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