Kuro's Group Chat 2

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Misono: I just loudly threatened to kill a self check-out machine

Kuro: Good for you, bastard-chan

Misono: 💢💢💢

Lily: Well, I tried warning everyone that his temper is as short as he is 😅

Misono: Lily! 💢

Lily: Ah! Sorry! Sorry! As my punishment, I shall strip (background sparkles)

Misono: DON'T STRIP! 💢💢

Mahiru: Calm down Misono!

Kuro: You need a chill pill...

Lawless: Hey everyone!! Your favorite idol, Lawless-chan is here!! 😄😜

Lawless: Hey, Nii-san! How've you been??

Kuro: ...tired

Lawless:  Huh...

Kuro:  Hey Mahiru, I help with the house chores... I demand fair pay

Mahiru:  Last time I checked, you were a Servant Vampire, not an Employee Vampire.  Now stop whining and get back to work

Kuro:  How mean... Abusing your cute pet... 😔

Mahiru:  Are you really a vampire?? 😑

Kuro:  I'm both

Lawless: By the way, has anyone noticed? You can't spell "flawless" without Lawless! 😆😜😝

Licht: God damn sh*t rat! 💢 I can't concentrate on my piano thanks to all your text messages!!

Lawless: Ehh but nii-san and the others were texting too!

Kuro: No, no, you're mistaken. I'm just a NEET who's being forced by Mahiru to do his chores

Mahiru: Kuro! 😠

Licht: See? Mr. Cat is innocent!

Tsubaki: Yo. So what is everyone up to?

Mahiru: Oh! Tsubaki.. It's you...

Tsubaki: Yea. So, what?

Lawless: Aren't you supposed to be our enemy though?

Tsubaki: But this is a group chat where everyone should rejoice, right? So let's all get along 😎

Lawless: Bwahahaha! 😂😂😂 That sounds so ridiculous coming from you!

Tsubaki: .... Shall I kill you? 🗡

Licht: Hold it right there

Lawless: ?

Tsubaki: ?

Licht: Don't you dare threaten to kill my Servamp, bastard. The only one who can do that is me

Tsubaki: Oh? And why is that?

Licht: Why? Because I'm an angel ✨

Lawless:  There it is!! The cool angel-chan!  The last one to ever descend onto this world!! So Japanese kakkoii~~

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Lawless: There it is!! The cool angel-chan! The last one to ever descend onto this world!! So Japanese kakkoii~~

Licht: SHUT UP! Shut up shut up! Die until you die!

Tsubaki: ... Pfft, Aha.. AHAHAHAHAHaa... Not interesting at all

Licht: Anyway, I basically INVENTED insulting Hyde. I could sue you for plagiarism anytime

2 hours later...

Tetsu:  Hm? What happened while I was at school?

Hugh:  Oh... Don't worry Tetsu, it's not something you should be concerned about 😌

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