Chapter Seven | A Confliction

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A few nurses and a doctor came over to Stephanie and Mirabelle, placing the woman in labor in a wheelchair and steering her towards her hospital room. James was nearby followed by Nathen, Stephanie and Ben. Mirabelle groaned on their way down the hall. James hurried by her side and they squeezed each other's hands. The nurses helped Mirabelle onto the hospital bed, strapping her feet down. The doctor asked her, "On a scale from 1-5, how close do you think you are to having the baby?"

Mirabelle winced. "5!" She exclaimed, breathing heavily. The doctor went in front of Mirabelle. "I'm going to have to ask everyone but Mr. Alston to proceed to the hallway," The doctor said. Ben had started crying and Stephanie took him in her arms, heading out of the room with Nathen and bouncing him up and down, trying to calm him.

Mirabelle started breathing heavier. "Alright, Mrs. Alston, push!" The doctor yelled and Mirabelle pushed while wailing and writhing. Her face reddened more than Stephanie's had, making her look like the shade of a tomato. The doctor's face went more seldom after a few minutes. He gestured to a few nurses to call backup. James hand was being crushed by the force of Mirabelle's.

"I'm afraid the baby is facing the wrong way, I'm going to ask you to stop pushing," The doctor said, examining the baby. More doctors rushed in, with supplies. "We'll have to perform an emergency C-Section." James' expression changed drastically. "And what is a C-Section, exactly?" He asked. The doctor looked into the eyes of James. "A cesarean section; we'll have to cut through the wall of her abdomen in order to get the baby out."

James' face paled and he was given a glass of water by a nurse. The doctor looked at Mirabelle. "We'll have to begin as soon as possible. Are you ready to do the surgical operation?" The doctor said. Mirabelle was shaking vigorously, but she managed to nod. Doctors surrounded her, all wearing blue masks. There was a bright light that had been placed above her. She was given anesthesia and the doctors began operating. James stepped out, seeing by the look on Stephanie's and Nathen's faces, that he wasn't the only one worried about Mirabelle and the baby.  

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