Chapter One

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Hi everyone! I hope you are excited for the new book! If you haven't read the Alphas second choice , read that FIRST! You will be lost if you don't!


"Well it looks like your baby is growing nice and strong." The pack Doctor smiles happily at me and Christian.
Christian kisses my lips "See nothing to worry about." I whisper to him "I just worry." He whispers , the pack Doctor hands me a small ultrasound photo of our baby. I'm two months along.

Christian has forced me to go to the doctor every week do to my extreme nauseous and lower back pain.

"So the nauseous,  when will that stop?" Christian asks the pack Doctor , I sit up wiping the gel off of my tiny baby bump. "It depends , Blake is only a few months along. Most mothers have morning sickness until around four months." Christian scowls slightly "Alright." I giggle lightly rubbing his arm soothingly "Stop, I'm fine." The pack Doctor holds back a laugh "Stay hydrated Blake." I nod "I will, see you soon." She nods

The drive back to our house in quiet , Christian rubs my stomach. I sigh happily , me and Christian have been married for six months , oh have they been amazing. And two months ago I found out I was pregnant and we are beyond thrilled. "What are you thinking?" Christian whispers "About the baby." I smile at him "My son." Christian rubs my small bump as we pull into the driveway "And what if it's a girl?" I prompt when he opens my car door.
Christian kisses my lips "I'll be thrilled." I grin.

Christian is locked away in his office so I decide to start getting the baby's room together, I choose the second biggest room upstairs and start looking for paint colors online. "Are you a boy or girl?" I rub my stomach looking at paint colors on Christian iPad. 'Boy for sure!' My wolf sings , she is beyond ready for our baby. 'I think so to." I mind-link her back.

"Oh Blake." Judy walks in wearing a smile , I exit out of the baby room colors. She doesn't know I'm pregnant. "Hi." I stand from the floor "Why are you up here alone?" She wonders in "Umm, I'm thinking of painting this room." Judy smiles "Christian wants to get some rest you, he said you haven't been feeling well." I roll my eyes , oh Christian.
I scoff "Is he here?" Judy nods laughing slightly "He sure is." I head downstairs.

Christian is talking on his cell phone eating an blueberry muffin. "Alright thank you." He mumbles around a mouthful of muffin. I giggle taking a bite from his muffin , Christian pouts "That's my muffin." "Your baby is making me hungry." I tease , Christian grins evilly wrapping his hands around me and bringing me to him. "Mm I'm glad." His lips connect with mine and my body heats up. Oh my. Everything below my waist clenches as our lips mold together. Mm I want him now.

"Take me to bed." I pull back and whisper kissing the corner of his mouth. He inhales sharply caressing and squeezing my behind "My mother is here, naughty girl." I groan looking up at him "Two minutes is all I need." I whine kissing his soft plump lips again "Blake." He groan kissing back. My hands run up his chiseled chest , hm.

The clearing of a throat brings me from kissing my husband "Mom." Christian voice is embarrassed , I blush slightly pulling away from Christian and stealing his blueberry muffin. "I wanted to invite you both to dinner at our house tomorrow evening." Judy watches me and Christian for a second. I take a bite of the blueberry muffin , this is so good. "It's up to Blake." Christian looks at me , so does Judy. Shit. I swallow what I'm chewing quickly "Um yeah." "Only if you are feeling well enough." Judy voice is sharp, almost annoyed. "No I feel great , Christian?" He nods smiling at me "We'll be there mom." Judy smiles but I can't tell it's forced.

Huh, I wonder what's wrong.

"Well I better get going." Judy grabs her purse from the counter and kisses Christian cheeks before exiting our house.
"What's up with her?" I take another bite from the blueberry muffin, my stomach growls happily. Wow I was hungry. "I have no idea." Christian runs a hand through his tousled hair "What do you two what for dinner." Christian walks in front of me , and rubs my stomach. I smile "Don't be so loud, your sister is upstairs," he shrugs kissing my lips. "Why can't we tell anyone yet, I'm ready to shout it from the rooftops!" I laugh "The doctor said to wait at least three months, just in case....." I trail off.

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