Chapter Thirteen

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Christian's face etched with concern as I breath through my contractions , the need to push is becoming more prominent by the second. My stomach tightens harshly and I whimper out "Baby .. just breath .. I feel so fucking helpless ." His face makes me chuckle through the pain , I grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze "I need to push." Christians eyes widen more and he frantically looks at Dr . Greene , who looks amused with Christian "Christian why don't you sit on the side of Blake and support her back ... Dr. Lee is everything prepared?" Christian moves to sit by my side and wraps his arm around my lower waist , Dr . Lee whispers something to Dr.Greene , it's not very good by the looks of Dr. Greene's face. "We have to let her push , just be prepared to perform manual CPR." Dr . Lee informs and pulls on a pair of white latex gloves. CPR? Why? I glance at Christian who is watching the doctors every move , his body is unbelievably tense.. he must have heard their full conversation.

Dr. Lee places two blue blankets at the foot of the bed then sits on the side of the bed positioned between my legs. Another contraction brings to rip through me "Okay , Blake push." At her command I push with all my might. My breathing is heavy and I begin to feel an odd burning sensation , Dr.Lee places her hand between my legs feeling something "The baby is crowning , give me another strong push." Christian grabs my hand and with a forceful I push I feel the burning sensation get more intense. I cry out and lie back against Christians chest , I take a deep breath trying to focus on the task at hand , I push again and again. I can't do this. I cry out again from the pain , this is the most painful thing I've endured. "His head is out!" Dr. Lee cheers and sends me a happy smile , Christian glances down past the blankets thrown over my naked body and smiles "He has dark hair Blake." he whispers in awe and tears prick the corner of his eyes, I take a deep breath and bring to push again. As I begin to push and feel the most intense burning sensation , I feel as if I'm going to rip in two. Tears begin to run down my face from the pain "He's almost out , his shoulders are coming!" Dr. Lee glances at Dr . Greene in urgency , Dr .Greene rushes over with her stethoscope draped over her shoulders.

I rest my head against Christians shoulder , trying to find any sort of relief. I cry out when another contraction hits me "Blake push!" Dr. Lee commands and in my haze of pain , I find the strength to push. I push two more times before a wave of relief hits me , the burning sensation is gone. I hear the tiniest cry and I look down at Dr.Lee , she is holding a tiny baby covered in blood. He is so small. She wraps him in a blanket then places him on my chest. I inhale sharply and look at the bundle on my chest , my son cries loudly , his eyes scrunched up angrily. Tears rush down my face , he's here. Christian is quiet but i can hear him sniffling "He's here." I whisper and wipe the soft blue blanket over his tiny face, I clear some blood and white mush from his face and am rewarded with his eyes opening. They are the softest shade of grey , he cries out loudly again but pauses to stare at me. Does he know I'm his mom? I sob quietly , beyond thankful he's here.

Dr.Greene comes over and carefully takes him from my arms to examine him , Christian stands and follows after her. "He is baby B." Dr. Lee informs with a smile playing on her lips. I smile and look over at Christian who is softly cooing to our baby while he cries unhappily. Another contraction hits me and I whimper holding my stomach "Blake , Baby A needs to come out now .. I'm worried about him." My eyes widen , oh no. I bare down and with all my energy I push and push , Christian is by my side in an instant supporting my back and telling me I can do it. I push again and feel a burst of relief then the cries of my second son.

He is even smaller than his brother but louder , i smile and reach for him . Dr.Lee places him on my chest then drapes the blanket over us. He is so small , he squirms around on my chest. His hair is much lighter and his eyes are sky blue, I wipe the blood and mush from his face. Dr . Greene brings our son back to Christian , he fast asleep. I smile "Is he healthy?" she grins "Beyond healthy , he weighs 5 pounds and 10 ounces , very good for his size." Christian cradles him to his chest , "May I examine him?" Dr.Greene gestures to the extra tiny baby who is contently laying on my bare chest. I nod and she lifts him from my chest and walks to the bassinet to weigh him.

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