Chapter Eight

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"Christian let me bathe you!" I exclaim running a hand through my hair , Christian sits on the edge of the tub shaking his head no. He is being beyond stubborn about having me bathe him in the bathtub "I can do it myself." Christian grinds out watching me with a stern look , I roll my eyes sighing heavily "You can barely walk!" He looks from me to the bath water thinking "Please Christian." I whisper , Christian sighs and nods "Fine." I kiss his lips quickly and giggling at his frown. I lift his shirt over his head carefully , noting his hiss of pain "Funny am I?" Christian scowls lightly , "No just cute." I smirk reaching down and pulling his sweatpants and underwear down , Christian raises his hips for me to pull the garments off.

I test the water with my hand before adding some bath salts "Okay it's ready, do you need help getting in?" I ask tentatively, Christian shakes his head and ever so slowly slips into the bathtub. He whimpers loudly before settling back against the tub , I kneel beside him after grabbing a wash cloth from the cabinet. "I really hate this." He mumbles looking at me with an annoyed expression, I resist the urge to roll my eyes but instead kiss his pouted lips "Stop being difficult, your my husband let me take care of you." Christian rolls his eyes then nods "If you insist"
"I insist." I smirk squirting some shampoo in my hand and lathering his hair.

I run my fingernails through his scalp careful not to get any soap in his eyes , Christian groans approvingly closing his eyes. "Is this okay?" I whisper , he nods eagerly "More than okay." I finish washing his hair then rise carefully. With one hand I cover his eyes and with the other rinse out the suds , next I grab the washcloth and lather it with soap then gently running it over his arms and chest , underarms and neck.

"Your going to be a fantastic mother you know that?" Christian murmurs peering up at me with love , I flush "I hope I am." I hope I'm better than my mother.
I wash down Christians abdomen heading south through his happy trail, I wash him there , he smirks at me evilly and I feel him stir underneath my fingers. "Wanna join me?" Christian growls his eyes turning black , I remove my hand from washing him , my face heats up "No , you have to rest." He rolls his eyes dramatically and pouts "I want to make love to my wife and I can't even do that! This is bullshit." I laugh at his facial expression and pull the drain on the tub to rinse him with fresh water.

I quickly rinse Christian then grab a towel "Can you lift yourself?" He shrugs and places his hands on either side of the tub and lifts. Christian scowls and sits in the side of the tub , panting. He's in so much pain. I dry him off carefully taking note of all his bruises, his cast in wrapped in a large plastic bag but I can see how swollen his arm his. I feel sick looking over his beautiful body littered with bruises. "All done." I whispers and help him stand , I wrap the towel around his waist securely and lead him to the bedroom.

"Sit." I point to the bed with my chin then rustle through our duffle bags for his clothes. I pull out a pair of navy sweatpants and a baby blue colored t-shirt along with boxer briefs. "Thank you for helping me." Christian whispers sounding embarrassed as I slip his underwear on , I stand up and take is face between my hands "Your my husband Christian, I'm always going to take care of you. You are really injured don't feel embarrassed about me caring for you." His eyes widen at my words then he nods "I love you Blake." I smile and kiss him softly. Christian places his hands on my bump , our sons kick their fathers hands roughly making their presence known. I pull away from the kiss and grin down at Christian "They're kicking harder." He whispers in awe and kisses my belly tenderly "Let me finish dressing you." I towel dry his hair and see him grinning.

"I never imagined you'd be drying my hair like this ." Christians tone is amused , I giggle "Well neither did I but I quite like it." "Me too." He smiles his breath taking smile and I melt.

The Alphas First Choice : Sequel to Alphas Second Choice Where stories live. Discover now