Chapter Three

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My face is caressed by a soft hand and each one of my cheeks is kissed tenderly "Blake." Christian whispers , I open an eye to see him hovering over me. His eyes are wide and he looks stressed "What's wrong?" I run my thumb over his bottom lip , Christian is fully dressed and looks like he's ready to leave "We have to go home early." He whispers and looks down at my stomach "Why?" I'm not ready to leave yet.
Christian leans in and kisses my stomach tenderly and whispers something I can't hear "We just have to, I've already packed." He rises from the bed and runs both of his hands through his already tousled hair , huh what's bothering him.

I don't make a big deal of the situation , he'll eventually tell me. I rise from the bed and dress quickly in jeans and a T-shirt , I slip my converse on then brush my teeth quickly.
I'm brushing my hair when Christian appears in the reflection of the mirror , his arms are crossed over his chest "Are you almost ready?" His tone is neutral as his face is "Tell me what's wrong Christian , please." I set my brush down and face him.

Christian is quiet for a moment , I kiss his lips tenderly "Tell me." I look up into his grey eyes , they are full of worry. "Someone broke into our home last night, the guards tracked them to the edge of the border. They think it was James." Everything around me goes still, my heart stops and a wave of nauseous hits me.
I take a step back and hold on to the edge of the counter , I hold my stomach tightly "We are going to stay at my parents house until this is taken care of." Christian whispers and takes me in his arms.
I'm still, I don't say anything.

James is back.

The car ride to Christians parents house is quiet and long , Christian is preoccupied with thoughts and I'm still reeling from the information.
Christian reaches over and places his hand against my stomach "There is going to be guards with you at all times , security is going to be tight." I nod slowly looking over at him , a sour taste forms in my mouth "Do you're parents know about what happened?" Christian nods his focusing back on the road "Yes, they are expecting us."
My mind drifts to a dark dark place where all I can think about is the babies getting hurt and Christian dying. The thought makes my eyes water "What if something happens to you?" I whisper , Christian kisses my hand "Nothing will, I have everything under control." I roll my eyes "James can find us, does he have a pack? Christian purses his lips "No I hope not , Sean didn't think so."
I sigh heavily looking back out the window "Hey we're going to be okay." His voice is soft and soothing.

Judy's and Greg's home is a colonial mansion with a beautiful garden on both sides. "Home sweet home." Christians tone is mocking lightly , he flashes me a small smile "Ready?" I sigh "I guess." He pecks my lips before getting out of the car and opening my door.
Judy opens the front door before we even reach it , she is wearing a flowery apron smiling broadly "Oh honey!" She embraces me in her arms , I hug back "Mom don't smother her." Christian voice is playful and makes me laugh. Judy rolls her eyes and pulls back and looks me over "You're glowing honey." She gives me a pointed look and I know she knows I'm pregnant. Huh, did Christian say something?

Greg is lounging on a large cream sofa reading the paper , the house smells of apple pie. My mouth waters , I'm starving all of a sudden. "Blake." Greg rises from the couch and gives me a small hug "Hello." Christian shakes his fathers hand "How's the pack." Greg immediately questions, Christian tenses "Let's talk in your office." Greg nods and walks down a small hallway to his right "I'll be right back, eat something." Christian kisses my forehead, then follows the path his father went.

I find Judy in the kitchen , she is taking a pie out of the oven "Are you hungry?" I nod smiling slightly "Yes I am." She grins and walks to the fridge and pulls out a small container "I made chicken pot pie last night, is that okay?" "That sounds great."
Judy pops the container into the microwave "Where did Christian run off to?" I sit down at the breakfast bar "He is speaking with Greg in the office." Judy raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

The Alphas First Choice : Sequel to Alphas Second Choice Where stories live. Discover now