Chapter Eleven

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The soft light of the early morning brings me from my peaceful slumber , I inhale deeply , my eyes fluttering opened. Blake's eyes are closed as she sleeps peacefully , she always looks so young when she sleeps , her body is curled up against my side. I can feel our son's kicking from her stomach , a ridiculous grin spreads across my face. My hand finds its way to her baby bump , my son's kick roughly at my palm , how can Blake sleep through this? I turn on my side and kiss her forehead and the reality hits me like a ton of bricks. In a few hours I'll have to leave and go back home, without her. The ever impending threat of James hangs over my head , haunting me to no end. My fist involuntarily clench at the thought of him , the bastard , I can't wait to kill him. Blake stirs beside me , her perfect hazel eyes blink sleepily and a yawn escapes her. "Morning beautiful." I whisper and kiss her lips gently , I pull back and look at her. Will I ever tire of how perfect she looks in the morning? Blake rubs her eyes with the back of her hand "How long have you been up?" Blake murmurs and she buries her face in my chest, I bury nose in her hair and inhale her sweet scent , she smells of apples and vanilla. Her scent has become my favorite scent , I will never tire of smelling her. "Not long, a few minutes." Blake sighs and peers up at me through her long lashes "When will you leave?" My stomach tightens at her words , I shrug "In a little bit , I didn't want to leave until you woke up." Blake frowns and shakes her head "I don't want you to go." I don't want to leave you either baby "You know I have to." My voice disappears into a whisper. Blake shifts and sits up in bed , the sheets pooling around her waist revealing her breasts , I hold back my groan of appreciation at the sight.

Blake sighs heavily and runs a hand though her bed head , she is thinking hard about something. I caress the bare skin of her back "What's wrong?" My tone is gentle , Blake glances at me over her shoulder "James wants me right?" I swallow thickly and scowl "Yes .... at least that's what I think." He wants what is mine and that is not something that will pass by me. Blake turns to sit in front of me , her legs curled underneath her , I'm momentarily distracted by the sight of her bare breast bouncing lightly as she gets comfortable. Does she not realize how alluring she is sitting here naked and pregnant with my children? I clear my throat and regain my composure , Blake finally gets comfortable and takes a deep breath "What if I were to contact him , and make some sort of deal or lure him to you so he that you can kill him."

Everything around me pauses for a second , did I just hear her right? She wants to put herself at risk! Is she stupid? I'm about to ask her if she's really that dumb but realize I don't want to hurt her feelings especially since I'm fixing to leave her for a few days. I take a deep breath and sit up in bed , I throw the blankets off of me and rise from the bed. Calm down Armstrong! My wolf scowls at me. I pace for a couple of seconds , Blake watches me with caution and I see her eyeing my groin area with a slight blush. Her eyes finally reach my face and she giggles lightly at me and its then I realize I'm naked. Sweetheart you've seen me naked many times before , don't get all shy on me. " I hope you realize that is not the smartest of plans." I shake my hand then my hands through my hair trying to calm my breathing, Blake rolls her eyes "And you going there not knowing what's going to happen isn't?" Touché my love , I don't respond. I sit on the edge of bed "Blake , I have to figure out this ......" I try to find the right words "Shitty situation?" Blake scowls , I raise my eyebrows at her wording "You such a way with words." I smirk playfully at her , Blake's face threatens to break into a grin but she bites her bottom lip to try and hide it. "Don't make me laugh , we are having a serious conversation." I laugh at her facial expression and kiss her softly. I pull back and rest my forehead against hers "I'm doing this to protect you and our children." I murmur , Blake's eyes well up with tears and that is like punch to the gut.

I run my thumb underneath her eye gently "Blake don't cry , I can't bare to see you cry." She sniffles and takes a deep breath "What if something..." I cut her off with my lips , I kiss her deeply my hand resting against her bump. My sons kick my hand as if they know who I am , Blake places her hand over mine and pulls away "They know your touch." She whispers , smiling softly at me. Her words make my face break out into a grin , and that is why I will go back to the pack and kill James. He won't get the chance to take away the three most important things in my life. "I love you Christian." Blake whispers and kisses me again , I groan into the kiss and move to lie on top of her.

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