Chapter Six

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My face is kissed by soft lips and my cheeks softly caressed. I sigh contently opening my eyes to be greeted with a smiling Christian , his hair is a mess and his stubble around his jaw has grown out. He looks divine like always. "Morning." He whispers caressing my bump "Hi." I rub the sleep from my eye and for a second I forget his words to me. Then I remember and I'm upset again "I have breakfast ready , all of your favorites." I nod slowly pursing my lips , Christian leans in and kisses my stomach "Thank you." I whisper , and sigh heavily.

Christian looks up at me guilty "Are you still upset with me?" I nod sitting up against the headboard "I am." His face falls and he pouts "Blake I'm so sorry for my words , please forgive me." Christian pleads and reaches for my hand but I pull away knotting my fingers together "Blake don't be like that." Christian whispers , I scoff slightly "Like what?" He shrugs looking deeply into my eyes "I love you." I purse my lips "My feelings are hurt and I don't feel like talking." I whisper, Christian pouts "Then can we cuddle , I didn't sleep last night." My wolf howls happily nodding her head eagerly.

"I really should take a shower , my doctors appointment is in a couple of hours." I whisper and pulling the blankets off of me and slipping out of bed. I stretch sighing heavily "How about breakfast first?" Christian asks walking over to me and placing his hands on my belly. Breakfast , my stomach growls in agreement "Okay." Christian grins and kisses my forehead , before grabbing my hand and leading me down the stairs .

The dining room table is full of food , my eyes widen slightly and I glance at Christian who is happily smiling from behind me "Wow, did you do all of this." I gesture to the table , Christian walks around the other end of the table gracefully and pulls out a chair "Sit here." I roll my eyes but follow his orders. The babies move around inside me, I rest my hand where they kicked as Christian serves me a plate of food. "My mother helped , she stopped by earlier to drop off some paperwork for me." I purse my lips , I must have been passed out. I didn't even hear them.

"Well thank her for me." I smile softly , Christian nods and sets a plate of food in front of me, it is waffles , eggs and bacon with a bowl of fresh cut fruit on the side. Hm, my stomach growls louder "Here you go." Christian kisses my forehead and places the syrup in front of me , I pour some over my waffles then take a bite. They taste amazing and I eat some of my fruit.
"How is it?" Christian takes a bite of his own waffles watching me approvingly "Delicious." Christian looks at me with love and care and I feel myself forgive him. But there's a part of me that is upset , that feels like I don't deserve his words. And then my insecurities creep up and make my throat tighten. I'm not hungry anymore suddenly.

I push my plate away and grab Christians cup of coffee, I take a small sip. "What's wrong?" His voice is panicked, I shrug and look down at the table tapping my fingers against the wooden table. "What time is it?" Christian sighs and pulls out his phone "10:45." My doctors appointment is at 12:30. "I better shower." I go to rise from my seat but am stopped by Christians hand "Eat Blake, the babies need their nutrition." I look at my plate of food , feeling a little sick. Bile raises in my throats and I remember his words from last night 'Sometimes I feel like I settled'

I look back up at him "You said you felt like you had settled , is that true?" My voice cracks and tears pool on my eyes. Christian stills and his eyes widen and I know he's sorry. But I need reassurance
Christian takes a deep breath before speaking "Blake I never meant any of the things I said last night, I'm stressed and worried about you three. My god do you have any idea how terrifying it is to think you could die from an rogue attack or die during giving birth to our children. I lay awake at night and imagine the worst , I wouldn't be able to survive. Last night , was.......... fuck I don't even know. I'll I know is that I was panicked by rogues being spotted on our property and the fact that I can't do a fucking thing about it. I apologize and beg for your forgiveness even though I don't deserve, hell I don't deserve you or my children but somehow I got you three and I'm not giving you up ever. I don't feel like I settled , I feel like I've won. You are beautiful, smart , funny and so talented in all that you do. If I could take back what I said I would but I can't unfortunately but can we start fresh and enjoy this day together?"

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