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Connor's POV-

** Hey Conner. I saw that you took some stuff with you. I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean to say that. My subconscious was taking control. Lame excuse, I know. I know you're upset with me, I'm upset with me too. I'm so sorry for what I said. I don't love you any less than I did before we got in this argument. I know I was in the wrong for this, and you do a lot for me. More than I could ask for. I hope you feel the same way before all of this. Love you lots, Lyd. **

I drop my phone into my lap. I love Lydia. I really do. but she really pissed me off. If she loved me as much as she says she does, then she wouldn't have treated me like shit. What the fuck? Am I saying she was mad because of my stupid mouth. Why can't I just shut the hell up sometimes?

"Hey baby do you come here often? " A tall, slinky blonde broke of my train of thought, she was pretty but she is no Lydia. Her hair almost matched her amber eyes. She wore a red dress that was way too tight. Even for her skinny frame. Her black high heels only made her hover over more than she already would have been.

"What do you want?" I know I shouldn't have came to this damn bar. Every time I used to come here, there'd be nothing but problems thrown in my direction.

"I just asked you a question. Just because I did, doesn't mean I want something from you." She snaps and whipped her long blonde hair in my face.

"Okay lets get something straight right now, you came to me calling me baby bitch do you even know me? No you don't. So get going somewhere you walking herpie. " I came off a little too rude. You know what? Fuck it. I don't even give a damn. I just want Lydia right now. I shouldn't have left in the first place, what was I thinking? She is probably up worried sick about me. I can see her now laying on the couch waiting for that front door to open. She is probably blaming all this on herself, knowing she shouldn't because it is my fault. I got upset when I should have tried to talk to her. It is just easier to blame her, even if she isn't the cause of it. I am.

I placed my head in my lap, I should go to her. That is what I am going to do. I'm going to get my baby back before its to late. Damn I hope it's not to late.

I look at my drink sitting the counter in front of me, I ordered shot on the rocks but didn't even drink it. I'm not drinking going to drink it. I need to drive home.


I get to the car and turn on the heat. Damnit it's getting cold outside. I buckle up and get going on my way. I am speeding by the time I make it to the roads. I just have to get to her. I know it is late and she is probably going to bed but I'm taking my chances.

"Fuck." I curse to myself as I see and hear the red and blue lights behind me in the mirror. I am being pulled over really this is not a good time for me to be messing with these retareded ass cops.

"Yes officer." I put on my best, fake, small smile on.

"Do you know how fast you were going sir?" He asked. Obviously not. If I did, I still wouldn't have given a shit.

"Sorry sir just trying to get home to my girlfriend. We kinda got in a big fight and I left."

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear that sir," he said while looking a little sad.

"I lost my wife a couple years ago because I left out of my anger and when I came home she was gone she left a note saying she was, done with my crap." He whipped his single tear away from his brown Santa clause beard.

"I'm sorry I'm just trying to get home and make things better."I say and I start to feel really bad for him. I could imagine my life with Lydia. She is my life. She makes me want to wake up in the morning. To see her gorgeous face.

"You go get her. I will follow you home, if you want, so if you speed no other cops will say anything. " He puts his paper and pen back into his pocket.

"Yes please, but hurry because I don't know how much longer she will be awake. " I say sort of speedily. He hops into his car and we speed away. I need to get to her and fast. I pull up into the drive way and thank the cop for coming with me.

"Thanks man."I say shaking his hand.

"Its Jim, Jim Dean and you're welcome son now go get her." He says patting my back. I run up the stairs and unlock the front door, just like I thought she is laying on the couch. But its not our couch, its new.

"Lydia? " I almost whisper.

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