Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As One Day Ends Another Begins

                Dinner time came and went. Luckily, for Fanta’s sake, Bloo was too occupied with eating to antagonise her. She hoped that it was also because she admitted to her crush on Wilt. Now that he knew, what reason would he have to continue? After all, it was just a silly little crush. Right? Fanta made her way through the house, trying to remember the way to her room. It wasn’t bed time yet, but she was exhausted. Too many things happened in one day and she just needed to sleep.

                Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of walking through halls, she found her room. She had already made her bed earlier that day, so all she had to do was crawl in and go to sleep. Wearily, she opened the door and walked in the room. It was dark, but she couldn’t be bothered turning on the lights. She slipped off her shoes and crawled into bed. The soft clean sheets felt good on her skin; and the mattress was soft and springy. Fanta laid there for a moment, comparing her bed to the bench and tarp from last night. This was heaven. She could finally get a good nights sleep. She squirmed around a little, grinning at the comfort she was experiencing, and slowly began to fall asleep.

                Suddenly the room lit up and Bloo walked in loudly and carelessly. “Fanta, what are you doing in bed? Its like, 8:30!”

                Fanta scrunched her eyes shut, wishing the lights would go out and that Bloo would be quiet. She knew that wasn’t going to happen, so she answered him. “Bloo, last night I slept on a park bench, and today’s been pretty full-on.” She explained. “I just wanna sleep!” She whined softly in a disgruntled tone.

                “Yeah, I guess I might hit the sack too.” He began to stretch.

                “But I thought it was 8:30?” She asked. She opened her eyes and sat up, wishing he would turn off the lights.

                “Yeah but Mac and I were playing Frisbee all day, and man, am I beat.” He said as he went to sit on his bed. “Anyways, Mac and I are gonna have a Frisbee tournament tomorrow. We’re gonna see who can throw the Frisbee furthest.” He added enthusiastically. Fanta wasn’t even going to ask. “So I guess I better get some rest so I can get some early training in tomorrow.”

                “Bloo, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” said Fanta, taking sudden interest in talking to Bloo.

                “What? About Frisbee?”

                “No. About why Mac visits you. What’s the deal with that? Isn’t this just a foster home where friends go to get adopted?”

                “Long story short, Mac’s mom thought he was getting too old for an imaginary friend, I needed a place to stay and so Madame Foster was kind enough to let me stay here. As long as Mac visits me everyday, I won’t be up for adoption.”

                “Wow. Mac sound like a great kid.” she said kindly, whishing that Sarah still wanted to be friends with her.

                “So what about you?” He asked. “What happened with you and your creator?”

                “It’s a long story too. In short, she thought up a new friend, then neither of them really wanted me around, so I stayed for about 3 years, nothing changed, so I then left her a note saying that I was leaving and if she ever wanted to find me I’d be here; and here we are.” She said candidly, as if she were over the whole ordeal.

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