Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


                Fanta quickly paced down the hall and turned several corners until she could see that know one was around. She paused for a moment; listening out for anyone who could be around. There was no one. She could finally let her excitement out. “Yeeee!” she squealed, shaking her fists in front of her face as if she were banging them together. She grinned from ear to ear. “I got to hug Wilt!” she announced to herself in the same high pitched squeal as her first outburst. She felt so excited. She knew there wasn’t anything romantic about it. How could there be? He was just comforting her, but she was happy none the less. She began to dance a little from side to side. “Yay!” she rejoiced quietly.

                “So.” began a voice. “We got a little one on one time with Wilt, did we?” said the voice casually, in a teasing tone.

                Fanta turned around to discover the source of the sound. It was Bloo. “Are there, like, secret passage ways you take around the house just to find me and tease me?” she asked, half jokingly.

                “None as far as you know.” He replied; also half jokingly. “You know,” he began, with a suspiciously innocent tone to his voice, “I could tell Wilt how you feel if you’d like.” He offered, smiling sweetly.

                “No, Bloo.” She said bluntly.

                “Aw! Come on!” he pleaded. “Wilt’s a nice guy. He won’t avoid you.”

                “Isn’t telling Mac enough for you?”

                “But I haven’t told him yet!” He whined.

                “Why not?” Fanta was curious.

                “’Cause he isn’t here yet. He has school today.” Answered Bloo, as if it were obvious.

                “Well I’m sure you can wait ‘til he gets here.”

                “Come on!” He began whining again. “Just let me tell him!”

                “No Bloo.” She said firmly as she began to walk further down the hall; as she felt like exploring the house some more. She had already missed breakfast and lunch wasn’t for several hours yet, so she had time.

                “Fine. I won’t tell him.” Said Bloo in a pout.

                “Thankyou!” She chimed, failing Bloo’s attempt at reverse psychology. She continued to walk down the hall, turning left. Then right. Then right again. On her way through the house she looked at all the doors she was passing and all the pictures that hung on the wall. She then walked down a hall that he never come across before. Fanta continued to follow it for several minutes; then realised it was no different from any of the other halls. Okay. I’m bored of exploring now… She thought to herself. So she walked back down the way she came.

                She took the same turns she remembered taking before, and eventually found her way back to the other hallway. Or so it seemed anyhow. It was the other hallway, right? It looked a bit different somehow. She walked around for a while, continuing to take the same route she took before. When it came to the second corner that she needed to turn, there was a dead end where it should’ve been. “Great,” she said to herself. “I’m lost.” She let out a hefty sigh as a sign of her frustration, and continued to venture down the halls, looking at the doors and pictures as she went, hoping to find something familiar.

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