Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A Friend Indeed

                Fanta opened her eyes slowly, adjusting them to the bright room. She sat up and looked around. Everyone was still in bed. She looked over a Bloo’s alarm clock, but her vision was too blurry to be able to read the time yet. She then looked down at Wilt and began to remember last night. She smiled at the thought of his kiss and threw herself back down on her mattress. She hugged herself and wriggled slightly, I got a kiss from Wiiiilt! I got a kiss from Wiiiilt! she sang teasingly in her head. She grinned and sat up again to look at the clock. It was 8:55. I guess I might as well get up. she thought to herself, It’s almost nine anyhow. She sat up on her mattress and reached into her bag for her brush. As she began to brush her hair a voice came from the other side of the room.

                “Good morning.” said a cheery, but sleepy voice.

                Fanta looked over to see a sleepy Wilt looking at her. “Morning.” she greeted sweetly. He’s kinda cute when he’s half asleep, she thought to herself, smiling slightly.

                She watched as Wilt got out from under Bloo’s bed, grabbed his toothbrush and walked out the door. She assumed he was heading towards the bathroom. Everyone else began to get up. Fanta continued brushing her hair as they all said their ‘good mornings’ and headed either to the bathroom or down to breakfast. Fanta put her hair brush away; her hair was neat now and she was beginning to feel hungry. She decided to have breakfast first, so she stood up from her bed and headed out the bedroom door, down to breakfast.

* * *

                After she had ate breakfast and done her business in the bathroom, she decided to go and see what Wilt and the others were doing. She was walking down a hallway, when all of a sudden Frankie made an announcement over the intercom.

                “Attention, Mr. Herriman. There is a family in the foyer that wants to adopt a friend. Could you assist them? Someone made a big mess during breakfast and I gotta go clean it up.”

                Fanta paused for a moment. What if it was Wilt they were adopting? Oh no! she began to panic, I never even considered that! She ran down a few halls and a flight of stairs until she had reached the foyer. She could see that a crowd of friends had gathered at the bottom of the stairs. She quickly walked down, wondering who had been chosen for adoption. Oh, God, I hope it’s not Wilt! Not this time! Not yet! Once she had made her way to the bottom, she cautiously squeezed her way through the crowd to see who was going to a new home. She gave a small sigh of relief when she discovered that it was not Wilt, but in fact another friend who she had not yet had the chance to meet.

                She continued to stand there, and watch as the other friends said their good byes and departed from the group. She watched as Wilt approached the now adopted friend; he was one of the last people say farewell. Fanta waited patiently at the bottom of the stairs until Wilt was done.

                Wilt then turned around and began to head for the stares when he suddenly noticed Fanta standing there. “Oh, hey Fanta!” he said cheerfully, “I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to know if you felt like playing some basketball. That is if you want to.”

                Fanta looked at him for a moment. He was tall, and a basketball friend. She was short and a rag doll. She really didn’t stand a chance at winning at all, but she could never pass up the opportunity to spend time with Wilt. “Sure, okay.” she agreed. “But why would you ask to play with me? I mean, I’m not very good at basketball.” she paused. “Plus I’m a shorty.” she added.

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