Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Where’s Wilt?

                It was daylight. Fanta stirred in her in bed, slowly opening up she eyes, gradually exposing them to the brightness of the room. Brightness? Aw, man! I must’ve dozed off! She immediately sat up and looked around. Nobody was in bed. She turned her gaze to Bloo’s clock. 9:30?! she exclaimed in her thoughts, great I slept in too. She crawled out of bed and quickly fixed her hair with her hands. She got her toothbrush, and headed for the bathroom. “Well, breakfast is most certainly over,” she told herself as she walked down the hall, “Why didn’t anyone wake me? Man… I really wanted to talk to Wilt too.” When she had reached the bathroom, she opened the door and stepped inside. She brushed her teeth quickly and fixed her hair once more. Once she was done she began to walk back to her room. Now to find Wilt… she thought as she walked back through the halls, How hard could a thinly built, tall, red guy be to find….  When she had found her way back to the bedroom, she could see Frankie down the hall carrying a basket of washing in the opposite direction. “Hey, Frankie.” she greeted her as she walked closer.

                “Oh hey, Fanta.” she said, expressing exhaustion through her voice. “Do you have anything that needs washing, now that I’m here?” she asked, “Everybody’s getting me to wash all their formal wear because ‘The Rabbit’ decided that his birthday party should be a ‘formal occasion’.” she said, disgruntled.

                “No. I don’t have anything formal. I think I’ll just go like this.” she replied. She then remembered she was looking for someone. “You haven’t seen Wilt anywhere, have you?”

                “Yeah. He went out, but I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” she said positively, “We need to find you something to wear though. You can guess what Herriman would be like if you just turned up in your usual clothes.” she said, again expressing irritation towards Mr. Herriman.

                “Thanks, but it’s alright. Really. I should go and wait for Wilt to come back I really gotta-”

                “Nonsense!” she interrupted cheerfully, “Just follow me.”

                Fanta followed Frankie to the laundry room, Well I guess it wouldn’t hurt. I’m sure I’ll get to talk to Wilt when he gets back, she assured herself.

* * *

                After following Frankie to the laundry room and helping her to unload the clothes in to the washing machines, Fanta was then led to her bedroom.

                “Uh, Frankie. I appreciate what your trying to do here, but isn’t your clothing a bit to big for me?”

                Frankie continued to search through her closet, “I’m pretty sure I had something in here that might fit you.”

                Fanta paused for a moment. She looked at herself, and then at Frankie, comparing their body types. Fanta could plainly see that she was, in fact, very small compared to Frankie. Just what exactly did she get around in? “Frankie, what could you possibly have in that closet that would fit me? The only thing I can think of is something that is meant to look skimpish. Like lingerie. I don’t think wearing lingerie would be considered very formal.”

                “It’s not lingerie, Fanta.” said Frankie, revealing slight irritation towards Fanta’s assumption. “It’s a shirt. It’s black and it looks kind of formal. If we alter it slightly, we could pass it off as a dress.”

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