Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Rag Doll

                Lunch had just finished. Fanta walked out of the dinning hall. I wonder where Wilt’s gone. I haven’t seen him since he ran off this morning. He said we were still cool, but he sure was acting strange… she thought to herself. Oh well… she shrugged and walked aimlessly across the foyer. She had nothing to do. She decided to go and find Eduardo or Coco. Maybe they were doing something fun.

                She searched all through the halls until she finally found the two friends. They were playing checkers in the same room Fanta was in yesterday, when she was playing with the chess pieces. She hesitated at first, she hadn’t talked to Coco and Eduardo as much as she had with Wilt, Bloo and Mac; so she was a bit shy. They noticed her as she began to walk towards them from the doorway.

                “Hola, Fanta!” greeted Eduardo in a friendly voice.

                “Coco” greeted Coco, also friendlily.

                “Hey guys. Whatcha doin’?” she said with a smile, slightly relieved by the fact that they were so welcoming.

                “We are playing Checkers. Did you want to play the winner?”

                “No thanks. Can I watch?”


                Fanta watched for a few minutes as Coco and Eduardo took there turns. She suddenly realised they were signalling each other with their eyes. Was this apart of checkers? What were they doing?

                “Co-co!” she whispered from across the table. Of course, Fanta could hear her just ask clearly as Eduardo.

                “No. You ask her.” he whispered back. Fanta had a feeling she new what they were going to ask.

                “Co-CO coco!” she whispered again.

                Eduardo sheepishly turned his gaze to Fanta. “Uh, Fanta...”

                “Co-co!” whispered to him again, more excitedly this time.

                Eduardo caught on to Coco’s excitement and began to smile. “Fanta, is there, like, something going on between usted and Señor Wilt?”

                Fanta blushed at the question. “What do you mean?”

                “Ah, she is blushing! That means it is true!” Eduardo said excitedly, pointing at her.

                “No it doesn’t.” she whined in a meek voice.

                “Co-co coco co-co?” she asked teasingly.

                “Si. What about between usted and Bloo then?”

                “Ah! No! What? I don’t think so. His an alright guy, but he drives me nuts!” she replied, taken aback by their question.

                “So you like Señor Wilt!” he presumed excitedly.

                Fanta was still taken aback, and a bit confused. “How does that prove tha-”

                “Fanta loves Señor Wilt.” he sang, teasingly.

                “Coco co coco-co.” Coco joined in. They continued to tease her repeating the same line over and over to the same tune.

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