Chapter Four

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I gasp opening my eyes clutching my burning throat. Where am I? I feel the cushiony comforters underneath me. Is this a bed? What happened? The memories start to flow back to the limo and so does an unexpected memory. The reason why he looked familiar is because i've seen him before. One night two years ago, I was trying to fix my wifi router and when I was done, something was drawing me to the window. My brain was telling me to look at it. It kept saying it over and over again. And so I did. There stood a boy, the most handsomest boy i'd ever seen. My heart started pounding really loudly. I was so consumed in him, it didn't even bother me that there was a boy i'd never seen before, watching me through my window. All I could think of was imagining meeting him. For a few fleeting seconds, I thought we connected in some way. It almost felt as if our bodies-no, our souls merged together and became one. My body was warm, so so warm. Every inch of my skin was burning and my brain was screaming at me to say something, do something. Anything. But all I could do was stand there and stare. And then a bright flash of lightning illuminated outside momentarily blinding me. When I could see again...he was gone. I'd forgotten about that night until now. Who is he, and what does he want with me?

I look around the dark room. Pitch black, I couldn't see anything. I move to get up, but stop when someone whispers in my ear next to me. "Dorris..." It's Seth's voice. Suddenly he grabs my face and kisses me. I push him away and slap him screaming. The room goes silent as he covers my mouth. "How dare you," he growls into my ear. I whimper and try to pull his hand away. He grabs my hands with his other hand and pins them at my side. "You're not behaving very well. I know you remember me now. Please give me a chance to explain Dorris." Him saying my name did not make me feel warm or safe anymore, instead I felt scared and weak. "Dorris, please. Be a good girl and listen to me. I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth now, and it would do you good not to scream," he says releasing my mouth. I let out the loudest scream I can muster from my sand paper like throat. He growls and slams his hand down onto my mouth. "I warned you," he says. I scream into his palm as a sharp pain erupts in my neck. He..he bit me. I yell into his hand trying to break my hands free from his tight grip. He chuckles and bites me again- this time dragging my shirt down past my shoulder and quickly biting into it. I shut my eyes tightly crying from the pain. Seth suddenly stops and moves away from me . "D-Dorris... i'm so sor... Does it hurt?" I whimper and cover my ears sobbing. Seth removes my hands from my head and places me in his lap, cradling me in his arms. "G- Get off of me," I yell pushing at his chest. He sighs and lays me down on the bed getting up and walking away. A flood of light consumes the room as he opens a door. I watch as he turns back around to look at me. A tear slides down his cheek and then he turns around shutting the door. I lay there a few seconds and then get up. I try to feel my way around towards the door. When I find the handle I try to open it, but it won't budge. I slam my fist on the door. "Hey, let me out. You can't do this. I swear to god when I get out, i'm gon-" "The door opens and there stands a boy that looks like Seth, but older and more defined. "Hey now, don't pout little lady. Everythings ok... you're ok," he says smiling looking down my body and then up again. Asshole. "Let me the fuck out of this place. I don't know what's wrong with you or Seth-" "Ahhh Seth, my little baby bro. He's very fond of you. I mean that is why he took you. You guys are mates sweetheart, so get used to living here. Oh, and if you try and run away, I can't promise all your bones will be intact," he says smiling. "Alex!" someone yells in rage outside the door. Alex i'm presuming, turns to look at the person and smiles turning back to me "Speak of the devil," Alex says winking. Seth appears in front of me glaring at Alex. "What the hell do you think you're doing," he asks Alex furiously. Alex laughs and ruffles Seth's hair. "Oh little brother, don't be jealous. I was just speaking to your toy," he says gesturing to me. I glare at him and mentally murder him. "She's not a toy you prick, she's mine and if you go near her again i'm going to kill you." Alex laughs and looks over at me smirking. "No promises," he says winking and then walks away. Seth sighs in frustration and then glances at me. "Dorris..." he says trailing off. "Stop doing that, it's driving me insane. What do you want with me? Why did you kidnap me? What does Alex mean by mate? Please just explain everything to me," I say tears starting to flow down my face. This is not what I had in mind, when I thought of my new life. He sighs in frustration and points behind me. "Go," he says in a commanding voice. "W-what, why?" He slams his hand on the doorframe right next to my face. "I...said...GO," he yells at me. I turn around and stumble back into the darkness. The door closes behind me and I drop to the floor in tears. I yelp as someone picks me up and lays me down on what I presume is the bed. "Dorris please stop crying. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm gonna explain everything to you. You have to listen and be patient. What i'm going to tell you might be a little hard to believe, but I swear it's true," Seth says sitting down next to me. I sit up and scoot further away from him. "O-ok..." I mumble bringing my knees up to my chest and cross my arms over my legs. He sighs and lays down on the bed. "You've heard of vampires and stuff right," he asks almost in a whisper. "Yeah," I respond more as a question. "Well... Dorris, they are real," he says. What the hell is wrong with him. He's really fucking messed up. "Let me the fuck out of here you dick," I scream jumping up from the bed. "Dorris please, just listen, don't yell." I start to laugh and kick things I can't see. "Don't tell me not to laugh. You're fucking insane, you know that right. You know you're fucking insane right," I scream flinging my fists around the room. I let out a sharp cry as my fist comes in contact with something sharp. I'm guessing broken glass, maybe I shouldn't of been kicking things. Suddenly the light turns on and I was right, broken glass from a lamp I had knocked from a table. I look down at my hand and almost faint when I see gushes of blood spurting from my hand. "Shit," Seth curses running out of the room. I look away from my hand and try not to pass out. I hear murmurs of voice. Panicked yells. Someone comes and stands over me while someone takes my hand. My eyes start to flutter close. "She's losing too much blood someone says. "Dorris hang in there. You'll be ok, just hang on a little longer. Please, I hear Seth says from above me. "Please," he whispers. I feel another sharp pain in my hand and float into darkness.

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