Chapter Five

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"My name is Sethaniel James Brooks. I live in this mansion with my father Christopher James Brooks and my mother Sandra Elle Brooks. My brother Alex James Brooks and my distant relatives live here also. Kyle, Dru, Steff- the boys you just saw- are distant cousins," Seth says looking at me. I process what he just said and sigh. "Okaaaay..." I say looking at him. He nods his head one quick time glancing at the ground. "I'm going to continue what I started telling you the other night. Are you going to freak out again," he asks looking at me hesitantly. I shake my head and breath out slowly. "Try to keep an open mind," he says. I nod and look at him expectantly. A cold rush of air hits me softly. I wrap my arms over one another. "Vampires have been around for a long time. All those stories you were told as a kid are mostly true. We can turn humans by biting them. We do have fangs, they only extend when we want them to though. Sunlight has no effect on us. Nor does garlic or crucifixes. We are greatly stronger than humans. Our eyes turn red when fresh blood is near. I had to leave you for a minute when you cut your hand because I am not as experienced with controlling myself as some others such as our doctor. Our skin color is as normal as humans skin color. We run faster than humans. We don't sleep in coffins-" he pauses and laughs lightly. " we sleep in beds just as humans. Just like the stories, the only way to kill us is with a wooden stake through the heart. We heal easily. And we have mates..." he trails off on the last part. Mates? He clears his throat and looks at me. "Still keeping that mind open," he asks. I nod my head and watch as he takes my hand. I don't try and pull away. 'Mates... you have heard of such things as soul mates I assume. Well with vampires that is real. Each of us are connected to someone. Our other half. We are drawn to their scent. Once we find them, we will stop at nothing to have them. Most vampires have human mates, and when they do they usually turn them so they can be with them eternally. If our mate dies then we die. That simple. Our hearts and bodies cannot live without them. If we wait too long to be with our mate we start feeling a burning pain in our chest. The only way to stop that pain is to bite our mate and claim them as ours. There are two types of bites. The one where we turn them and the other for pleasure not turning them. To turn a human you must bite them and then have them bite you. It must be on the neck for each bite. For the other bite... you can bite anywhere... it is mostly to show their love for the other, it causes an intense pleasure," he says rubbing circles into my hand. "Dorris... you are my mate," he says looking at me with an unreadable expression. "Is that why you kidnapped me," I ask. "Yes, i'm sorry I had to do that, I just thought you wouldn't come," he says. "But I was going to... then you drugged me," I say. "We aren't in New York still, that's why I had to drug you. You would've known something was up when you saw us leaving New York," he says defending himself. "Where are we then...." I ask. It better not be... "Pennsylvania," he says smiling. Of course we are. "I-i want to go home," I whisper. "Just give me a chance," he says. I look up at him. "Vampires aren't real Seth. You're fucking insane. Let me go home," I say in anger. He quickly grabs me pinning me down to the bench swiftly sweeping my hair away from my neck. "Wheres that open mind princess," he whispers into my ear. I swear this guys bipolar. One minute he's butthurt that I won't hold his dumb hand, now he's pining innocent girls down on benches and whispering into their ear. "Get off me," I growl squirming under his body. He chuckles and looks at my lips then my neck. "You don't believe me huh?" "I said get off me you dick," I yell at him. He quickly cups my mouth with his right hand smirking. "Now now princess, that's not very nice," he says shaking his head. He un-cups my mouth. "Now i'm going to make you believe," he whispers into my ear. He pulls down my shirt far enough to expose my shoulder. "What the fuck, what are you doing. Stop," I scream. He looks at me smirking. His smirk turns into a smile and that's when I see them. Two perfectly pointy fangs extended from his gums. He doesn't give me a chance to speak before he quickly pushes his fangs into me. The pain is unbearable at first, but then the burning fades and is left with warmth. Like the warmth I felt with him before except times a hundred. I can feel the blood flowing out of my body and into his mouth. I squint my eyes shut and bite my lip. "St-stop," I manage to moan out. Instead of stopping, he just bites harder causing my whole shoulder to erupt into warmth. He grabs my hip tightly with one hand and my back with the other, pushing my body closer to him. I give into the pleasure and clutch his arm tightly relaxing letting him bite deeper into me. After a minute or two he pulls away, but the warmth is still there. I sit up looking at him. He looks down at me then turns around walking away. Okay... I watch as he starts jogging to the mansion. I look down at the ground and think about everything he said. He said they feel pain if they don't claim their mate, and the only way to claim them is to bite them. Does that mean he just... No, he can't just do that without my permission. "Excuse me ma'am," a boy says above me. I look up to see the the driver. What's his name... "My names Travis, you might remember me from a few nights ago. I drove you here. Well anyways, Seth has told me to kindly ask you to fallow me so we can get you ready for the dinner. Don't worry, our seamstress Bella will be helping you," he says with a kind smile. Why couldn't Seth just tell me? Why did he leave me? Did he really trust me not to run away? Why didn't I run... "Oh," I say. I get up brushing myself off. Travis turns around and walks to the mansion with me following closely behind him. When we get to the doors he opens them and I step into the warm cozy mansion. "This way ma'am," he says walking away. I follow him to a white and red door. He opens the door the reveal a large room with clothes and sewing essentials everywhere. "Bella," Travis calls into the room. "What, wait hold on," an older looking woman with dark brown hair neatly tied into a bun and soft brown eyes wearing a green dress says coming out from a closet and walking over to us. "Ahh, this must be Dorris, what a pretty girl. Sethaniel must be very pleased," she says smiling coming over to me taking my hand. "Well no time to waste dearest, we must get you dressed and ready for dinner," she says. Why do I need to get dressed up for dinner. These people are way to classy. "Sir Sethaniel has asked for her to be ready in thirty minutes," Travis says. "But dinner doesn't start for another hour," Bella says frowning. "Yes Sir Sethaniel knows this," Travis says. "Well I guess we'll have to hurry then," she says smiling at me. "He'll be waiting for her out here," he says pointing behind him. "Ok, ok. Come on sweetie, let's get you ready then," Bella says walking away. Travis gives me a small smile and closes the door. I follow Bella over to a little table with measuring tapes and needles and a bunch of other sewing things. "We gotta measure you hun," she says taking the measuring tape and wrapping it around my waist, hips, and chest. "Just as I thought," she says going to the closet. "We don't have time to make you a new dress but we can chose from the many that we have," she says flipping through dresses. There are formal ones, cocktail party ones, and gowns. "Hmmm," she hums taking three dresses off the rack. "You can pick from these three," she says holding them in front of me. One is a flowing silk dress with black at the top and then fades into white with a black belt at the hips. The next is a turquoise silk flowing dress and at the top it turns into kinda a wide strapped tank top. And the last is a silky royal purple dress with a strapless sweetheart neckline and a diamond belt at the waist. They all looked great. "I guess the first one," I say referring to the black and white one. She smiles and puts the other two back handing me the one I chose. "Dressing room is in there hun," she says pointing to a room. I nod my head and walk over to it. I go in and close the door behind me slipping off my clothes. It's a normal sized dressing room, surprisingly. I get dressed into the elegant dress and look at myself in the mirror. "Sweetie? You dressed? We have to still do your makeup and hair," I heard Bella say from the others of of the door. I sigh and open the door. Bella smiles and pushes me back into the room. "Here, take this and get that makeup off," she says handing me a wet rag. Are my makeup skills that bad? I slowly start to take the makeup off and watch as she grabs various makeup products then a curling iron. I finish getting all the makeup off and then dry my face. "So you picked the black and white dress... I think we should put some natural looking makeup on you," she says sorting the makeup into two piles. When she's done sorting the piles she puts one of them back where she got them leaving the other on the table. "Ok, here we go," she says grabbing some blush.
The whole time she was doing my makeup and hair, she wouldn't let me look in the mirror. "Are you ready," she asks excitedly. I nod my head. She turns my chair around revealing me but times ten. "Wow," I mumble. She laughs and motions for me to stand up. I get up and smile at myself in the mirror. "Ok now let's get you to Sethaniel," she says smiling. We walk out of the dressing room and over to the closed door. "Oh my god, I almost forgot. Shoes," she says. She rushes into the closet coming back with a pair of black heels. "Here, quick. Put these on," she says. I slip them on and look at her with a worried expression. "What's wrong dear," she says frowning. "I'm scared," I whisper. She sighs and hugs me. "Don't be, everything will be fine. All your doing is eating dinner with him and his family," she says. I nod and she pulls away opening the door. I walk out slowly. Seth walks up to me with yet again another unreadable expression. He looks down my body and then back up. 'Let's go," he says grabbing my hand walking away. I turn back around to look at Bella. She just smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I mentally groan. I turn around looking at Seth. He is looking ahead. I look at what's he's wearing. A black tuxedo with a black bowtie and black dress shoes. His hair is styled up into a quiff instead of his usually swept messy hair. "Stand straighter and stop staring at me," he says still looking forwards with a blank expression. Why is he being suck a dick all of the sudden? "B-but-" He turns towards me and shoves me hard against the wall. "Is there a problem,' he growls into my ear. I shake my head and sink into the wall wanting to disappear. "Because if there is, I will not hesitate to drink every single drop of your blood right now," he says. I shudder and a tear slides down my cheek. He pulls away from my coldly and drags me to a door. "Stand straight," he says. I straighten my posture and try to hide my tears. He pulls his hand from mine and opens the door. We walk into the slightly chilly room and stop. Seth grabs my hand tightly, not so much that it would hurt. He leans over and whispers into my ear. "Don't be scared, behave yourself, after this we have a party to attend and I would like to be in a good mood when we go." He pulls away and puts on a smile. The room is fairly large. There is a rectangular table in the center with people seated at it chatting quietly. "Mom," Seth says. Everyone stops talking and turns to us. "Sethaniel, nice of you to finally join us," she says giving him a stern look. She turns her attention to me and gives me a warm smile. "Dorris dear, you look stunning, I think Bella did a wonderful job with getting you ready," she says. She gets up from her chair and walks over to us taking my hand. "You are so beautiful," she says looking at Seth then back at me. "Thankyou," I say smiling nervously. Seth squeezes my hand lightly. "Now let's eat. I'm sure everyone is very hungry," she says turning around. Seth leads us over to two empty chairs in between Alex and Kyle. Seth sits down next to Kyle thankfully and I sit next to Alex. "So Dorris, I assume Seth has explained everything to you," Seth's mom says kindly to me. I nod my head yes and take my hand away from Seth. He looks over at me with a frown. Then smirks and puts his hand gently on my thigh. I try to keep my cheeks from getting red but fail. "So that means you know why you're here," Seth's mom says. I nod again. She snaps her fingers and seven people come out of different doors carrying silver platters. They set the platters down in front of us and walk away back through the doors they came out of. Everyone takes the tops off their platters and start eating. I sit there silently fumbling with my hands. Seth still has his hand on my thigh while he eats with the other. He stops eating and looks over at me. "Why aren't you eating," he asks. "I-i'm not hungry," I stutter out. He frowns and tightens his grip. 'Eat," he says. I don't say anything but look at my platter with it's top still on. I feel him slide his hand up my thigh slowly. "I said eat or else something you don't want to happen, will," he leans over and whispers in my ear. I open the lid of my platter and take a bite of the steak. "That's a good girl," he whispers sliding his hand back down. I eat along with everyone else. Everyone chats about their day not paying attention to me, -which I am grateful for-. Seth starts to rub slow soft circles into my thigh. I shudder and continue eating. After everyone finishes eating Seth's mom snaps her fingers again and the same people come out and collect the platters. They go back through their doors and Seth stands up looking at his mom. "If you don't mind mom, I would like to have some time to talk to Dorris now," he says. She smiles and nods her head waving her hand shooing him away. He looks down at me expectantly and I get up slowly letting him take my hand. We walk to the door and Seth opens it holding out his hand for me to go first. I walk out blushing turning around as he closes the door. He turns around and looks at me licking his lips. "Your such a tease," he says inching closer to me. "W-what, no i'm n-not," I says looking at him scared. He chuckles and brushes my cheek with his fingertips smirking at me. I back up away from him and he shakes his head. 'No no," he says walking closer. I keep backing up untill I hit the wall. Of course. He smirks and slams both his hands on the wall trapping me. He bites his lip and looks at me intently. I watch him lick the corner of his mouth pushing his body against mine. "W-what are you doing," I ask, my heart racing. "I think you know Dorris," he whispers lifting my chin up to his lips. He places a soft kiss on my lips and grips my hips tightly. He pulls back and pulls my hair away from my neck. "Do you like me Dorris," he asks breathing heavily on my neck. "I-i don't know..." I trail off looking at the ground. "Can I bite you again," he asks kissing down my jaw slowly. "I... I, uhm..." I mumble thinking back to when he bit me. That burning pleasure that it didn't want to stop. I want to feel that again. "Yes," I whisper. He stops kissing my jaw and bites into my neck. I put my hands on his arms and relax letting him do as he pleases. Why am I letting him do this. What's wrong with me. I should be screaming and running away. He's a vampire...a vampire who kidnapped me. Why am I not trying to run again. What's wrong with me... Seth pulls away and licks the drop of blood escaping my neck and then picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist holding me against the wall kissing my neck and trailing bite marks down my neck to my shoulder to my chest. He stops and kisses me hard. I can taste the copper like flavor that is my blood. "I want y-" "Sir," someone says interrupting me. Seth groans and looks at me breathing heavily. "This is not over," he whispers. He sets me down and turns around with an angry expression. I was about to let him have me. What's wrong with me... "What is it," he says annoyed. "Uhm well Bella just thought you guys should've returned the clothes and of been getting ready for the party by now," Travis states glancing at me. Seth sighs and looks back at me then to Travis. "Ok, we'll be right there. Now leave us," he says angrily. Travis nods his head and walks away. Seth spins around and pins me against the wall pushing his body against mine again. He kisses me holding my cheek and my waist. I let out a long sigh as he kisses my neck. He pulls away and rubs circles into my cheek and then kisses it. "We have to go get dressed," he breathes out looking at my lips. "O-ok," I stutter watching him bite his lip while looking down my body. "Did I tell you how hot you look in that dress," he whispers moving his hands to my waist looking back up at my lips. "We have to get dressed," I whisper. He laughs lightly and pulls away taking my hand in his. We walk down the hall to the room where Bella gave me the dress. He opens the door letting me walk in first. I step inside looking around for Bella. "I'm right here dear," I hear her say in the closet. I walk over to the closet, Seth fallowing me. She smiles at me and comes over to whisper in my ear. "So, how was it? Was it as scary as you thought?" I laugh and glance behind me at Seth. He raises an eyebrow and I turn back around smiling. "Worse," I whisper. She giggles and looks over at him. Put those clothes back on the rack," she instructs sternly. He looks at me and smirks. "Ok," he says. He takes off everything except his boxers. I can't help but look at his abs. He laughs at me staring and I look away blushing. "That's not what I meant, and you know it," Bella says looking at Seth with a frown. He laughs and looks at me. "Why don't you take off your clothes too Dorris," he says wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes. "I'll be in the dressing room," I tell Bella walking off the the dressing room. Surprisingly Seth doesn't try and follow me. I lock the door behind me undressing  then looking at myself in the mirror. I sigh and unlock the door cracking it just enough to tell Bella I need clothes. Seth comes out of the closet smirking at me. Before I even get the chance to slam the door closed, he's already gotten in, closed and locked the door, and pinned me against the wall. "What's with you pinning innocent girls to walls huh," I ask looking at him trying not to think about how we are both almost naked. He smirks. 'You like it," he says. He leans down and kisses my neck gently placing his hand on my back, and pushing my body closer to his. He nibbles on my neck lightly and then kisses me smiling. I slowly bring my arms to wrap around his neck as he moves his hand to my waist. He pulls away looking down at my body. I blush and hide my face in my hair biting my lip wishing I could sink into nothingness. "Don't get me wrong Dorris," he says looking up at me smirking. "I perfer you like this, but you have to get dressed...unless you want to show up to the party without clothes on," he says. I slap his chest walking away from him. He laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me back to him and holding my cheek, kissing me. He smiles and lets go of my cheek. "Run along little girl," he whispers in my ear. I shudder and turn around walking out of the dressing room just how I was. Bella's a girl and i'm pretty sure she won't mind my state of dress. I walk into the closet looking at her blushing. 'I-i need clothes," I say crossing my arms over my tummy. She looks over at me and laughs. "Seems you do darling," she says giggling. "Their in your room... well yours and Seth's room," she says looking behind me raising an eyebrow. "Yeah yeah, ok," I hear Seth say. He grabs my hand spinning me around dragging me to the door. "W-wait," I hiss at him. He sighs and grabs a towel next to us on a table. "Put this around you," he says handing me the towel. I quickly wrap it around my body letting him drag me out of the room and down the hall. We rush down the hall turning corners here and there. He stops in front of a door and opens it. I step inside the dark room. "Well go," he says. I frown and walk a little farther in. He walks in and shuts the door sending the room into complete darkness. Then a light turns in and I almost gasp. It's the room I cut my hand in. I look down at the floor to see a large blood stain in the carpet. My blood... "Why is it still here," I whisper shaking my head remembering that night. I was such a fool, and for that I got what I deserved. I should've believed him. I was being unreasonable and childish. "Well everyone was so worried about you, we just kinda forgot about the room until now," he says looking at the blood stain. "But this is your room, you slept here at night, how could you forget about it," I ask looking back at him. "I haven't been in here since that night Dorris. I was so worried about you, watching you lay unconscious in that bed, I couldn't leave your side, I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up," he whispered his voice breaking at the end. I see a tear slip down his cheek just like that terrible night. I walk to him and wipe it away. "Well it's all over now, ok," I say smiling. I kiss him softly and wipe away another tear. "Can we get dressed now," I ask lightly. He breathes in a heavy breath smiling and nods his head. "Oh yeah..." he mumbles looking down at my body. I yelp as he rips the towel off of me. "Wait wait wait," I stammer backing up. He chuckles stepping closer to me. "We should be getting dressed Mr." I say frowning at him keeping my distance. He smirks and tackles me to the floor, surprisingly without hurting me. He attacks my neck with kisses and I can't help but giggle. "Your so adorable," he laughs and kisses my nose. I smile and play with his hair. The fact that he's a vampire and he drugged and kidnapped me doesn't really faze me now. With him everything feels real. I feel like I can be myself around him, like he brought my soul to life. I know that sounds corny and generic, but it's true. I can feel the pull towards each other. He makes me happy, even when i'm scared or mad. It's only been a few days, but it feels like a year. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe nothing's wrong with me. He gets up off me and extends out a hand to help me up. I take his hand and stand up. He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. "Your clothes are in here. Their not the best options. We are taking you to the mall tomorrow to get you some clothes you like," he says walking over to the closet. He opens the door and flips a switch inside. "Wow," I say surprised. The closet is bigger then the dressing room I changed in earlier. "Oh and tomorrow while we're at the mall, there will be people coming in to remodel the room, so it suits me and you," he says. I smile. "I like black and white, like what if the room is white and the trim is black," I ask him. He laughs. "Sounds good to me," he says. I smile and look around the clothes in the closet. I grab a pair of black shorts and a baby blue sweater and slip them on, Seth watching the whole time. "It's not nice to stare," I mumble zipping up the shorts. He laughs and places his hands on my hips. "I'm sorry princess, I just couldn't help myself," he whispers biting my ear softly. I smirk and pull his hands off. "Get dressed," I say leaning against the closet wall. He grins and starts to look through the clothes. He picks black joggers and a dark blue under armour shirt and puts them on slowly watching me. "What's with the creepy eye contact," I ask nervously fidgeting with the hem of my sweater. "We match," he says. "No we don't, you're not wearing the right blue," I say crossing my arms. He pouts and comes over to me. 'Whatever," he mumbles moving the strand of hair out of my face. "So uhm... do we get shoes or what," I ask looking down at our bare feet. He laughs and nods his head. "Their in the drawers under the bed," he says flipping through the clothes again. I look over to the bed to see it is one of those beds with the built in drawers on the bottom. Cool. I walk over to the bed and open the drawers finding a few pairs of guys shoes. I close the drawer and open the one beside it finding what I want. I pick a pair of all black high top vans and look over at Seth who is still flipping through the clothes. "Got any socks," I ask. "Uuuh... their in this drawer," he says pointing at a dresser next to him still looking at the clothes. I shut the drawer and get up walking over the the dresser and open it grabbing a pair of short black adidas socks. "Those are mine, yours are in the drawer below mine," he says looking down at his socks like I might murder them. I shrug and slip them on walking over to where I left the shoes and put those on too. I walk over to the full body mirror and fix my hair. Seth comes up behind me hugging me and looking at our reflections smiling. "Well, are you ready,"he says kissing the top of my head. I smile and nod my head looking him over. He put black socks and converse on to match me. I shake my head laughing. "What are you laughing at," he asks me curiously with one eyebrow raised. I shake my head and turn around smiling. "Nothing," I say and kiss his cheek. He looks at me funny and laughs awkwardly. "Ok," he says trailing off. I walk over to the door and look at him. "Well are we going," I ask my hands on my hips. He chuckles and shakes his head walking over to me taking my hand. "Yeah ok, whatever you say your highness," he says opening his- our bedroom door and letting me walk out first as always. I walk out and he follows closing the door. He looks at me and smiles rubbing circles into my hand. He leans over and whispers in my ear. "Party time."

Okay, so I write this on Google docs, and then copy and paste it onto here. And it seemed super extra long. I'll have to check the word count but yeah. And bf you claw my eyes out or whatever for not updating in like weeks, let me just say in my defence that I had a two week break off of school, and I was so side tracted with all the over break homework and trying to have fun at the same time, that I sorta forgot about the story. I'm sorry nuggets. But hey, I saw 3 views on my last chapter so yay. And thanks again to everyone who has read this far and voted and all that jazz. It makes me feel a lot better about my writing. Oh and I don't know if I said this bf, but my Instagram is _curently_in_rehab_ and no I'm not really in rehab...haha anyways I'll probably update another chapter today to make up for these past weeks. So yeah. Bye-byez nugs.
P.S. you should listen to the song Patience by Guns N' Roses. It's super good. K, bye now.

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