Chapter Fifteen

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"Your sister," I ask a bit shocked. He nods and studies my reaction. His sister... "Why...why would she- why would you..." I don't know what to say to him. He sighs and leans towards me more. I look at him for answers. "I'm part of a pack. My sister is in it, including the rest of my family and some others. We heard that the vampires had a human. A human willing to be here. Most vampires mates are already vampires. It's rare for humans to be their mate. Cora and I's job was to kill you. But when you ran into the woods that day... You were so..." he stops talking and I can see a slight blush start to spread over his cheeks. "I couldn't kill you. You were still human. I thought I was ready, but I wasn't. When I left and told Cora she got angry. She told me she would do it if I can't. I tried to stop her. I didn't want you to get hurt. I knew you were good. I'm sorry. It's my fault that you're a vampire now. That's not what I wanted for you," he says. I soak in what he says and stand up. "You didn't even know me," I say. I now realize that I hardly know him. Yet he makes me feel safe. More safe than when I'm with Seth... He's supposed to be my enemy though. I'm not supposed to be his friend, I'm supposed to be his foe. "I know. That's why I was so curious. A human girl, mates with a vampire and able to comfort a wolf. You were scared, I could tell. But when you pet me, I eased the fear," he says. Seth then walks in angrily. "You were petting him," he questions me. I can't even get a word out before he slaps Sammy. I reach for Seth's arm and stop him just as he's about to do it again. "Seth..." I trail off. He looks at me and shakes his head. "It's the past. It just makes me mad. You all alone with him... fucking petting him," he says. I look down at Sammy as he spits blood from his mouth. "You said we could talk alone. That includes not listening in," I say. Seth looks at Sammy. "Don't you think that's enough. We know what happened, there's no more need for him now," Seth says. I grab Seth's face and pull it towards mine. Our lips connect and I put my hand on his neck. After a few seconds I pull away and give him a small smile. "Please don't kill him Seth," I say. He studies me for a second and frowns. "Don't abuse my love Dorris," he growls. I sigh and pull completely away from him. "I'm sorry," I say and look at Sammy. He's looking at me with a blank face. I look back to Seth and try to read him. He has a stony expression. "If you kill him, I won't forgive you," I say trying a new tactic. Seth sighs angrily and walks up to Sammy. "I don't care about your forgiveness, I care about your safety," he growls. He puts his hand around Sammy's neck and squeezes lightly. I widen my eyes and slap his hand away. I pull Sammy up and push him behind me. Seth growls more and tries to push me aside but I punch his chest. He looks at me shocked and angry and grabs my arm pulling me away from Sammy. He leads me out of the room and shuts the door, locking it. I glare at him and pull my arm away with too much force. I turn around and walk away. It's always something with Seth. I'm always doing something wrong in his eyes. He can't just chill and let me do me. "Dorris stop," he says annoyed. If I were him I'd be annoyed too. I don't know how many times I've walked away from him out of anger. But it's not my fault. I decide to stop and turn around. His angry expression softens and he walks up to me. "Dorris I'm only trying to keep you safe. That's my number one priority. It has been since I knew you were my mate. You mean everything to me and I thought I had lost you when you got attacked. And to find out it's his sister, you have to understand how I'm feeling," he says. I bite my lip. "It's just you never let me do anything myself. You're involved in about everything I do Seth," I say. He nods. "I know. I'm trying to give you happiness and let you live your life. But I'm also at the same time, trying to keep you out of harm's way," he says. "Seth please. I know how it looks and how you must feel. Just trust me when I say Sammy won't hurt me. Don't kill him," I say. He thinks about my words and clenches his jaw. "He's leaving here. I will let him live but he is not to come back here. Or I will kill him in a heartbeat," he says. I let it sink in and nod slowly. The thought of Sammy leaving makes me sad, but his safety is more important than my feelings. He is not going to die on behalf of me. "Okay... Can I say goodbye... alone," I ask. His jaw clenches more. "Be quick, I have something to show you," he says. I bite my lip and rush into the room. Sammy has sat back down and is looking at me curiously. "Where's pretty boy," he asks. I roll my eyes. "You're leaving Sammy. And you can't come back. Take your pack and leave," I say. He looks at me confused. "Any why would I do that," he asks. I sigh. "That was the deal I made with Seth. You leave and you get to live. He see's you around here after today, and he kills you," I say. Sammy looks down at the ground deep in thought. "My pack won't have it. They will want to attack. They are not as understanding as me. I would leave, but I know Logan will try something when he finds out what's going on," he says. I tilt my head. "Who's Logan," I ask. "You asks too many questions... He's my brother," he says. "Oh," I say. He nods and sighs. "So what now," he asks. I peek my head out the door and am surprised to not see Seth. "Sammy... I can't help you. You have to stop your pack. Seth's letting you go soon. If they attack us... then they attack. As long as you're not a part of it. We will be fine, but if you stay here, you won't be," I say. Sammy shakes his head. "Can't you re-negotiate with him," he asks. "He won't change what he's said," I say. Sammy sighs. "I'll try. I'll leave but if they attack... I just don't want you getting hurt. If Cora didn't understand, then they definitely won't," he says. I sigh. "As long as you don't die," I mumble and move towards Sammy. They had tied him up pretty tight, leaving deep purple lines around his wrist. I rip the rope off and help him stand up. He gives me a small smile and let's me walk him out of the room. I still don't see Seth, so decide to walk Sammy outside myself. Once we're outside, I breath in a big breath of air, not wanting Sammy's blood lingering around anymore. "Do you need help to the woods," I ask. He shakes his head. "It's fine," he says. I nod and let go of his arm. He turns to me and gives me a smile. "Dorris... would it be weird if I-" I cut him off with a hug, knowing that's what he wanted. I didn't mind giving him one. I was going to miss him. We talked once, but it was enough. He hugs me a bit tighter and then pulls away. I watch with sad eyes as he slowly starts to make his way towards the woods. "Sam," I call out. He turns around and smiles at me. "Yeah," he asks. I give him a small smile back. "I'm sure we'll meet again... someday..." I say. He gives me a sad smile and nods. He turns back around and I can hear him whisper the word someday.

Hey guys, sorry if it's a bit short. I was having writers block and I wanted to be able to give you something. So here ya go. Enjoy

And again, Happy Valentines Day :)) 

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