Chapter Seven

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I wake up to the morning sunlight pouring out from the curtains onto my skin. I yawn stretching my arms in the air. "Seth," I say sitting up and looking around. No Seth, just me. I look down at the bed and am glad my blood hasn't stained the sheets, or it did and he changed them. I get up off the bed and strip off Seth's shirt throwing it at the wall. I go into the closet and put on black joggers and a maroon under armour sports bra. I sit on the bed looking around the room. It's kinda plain. I turn my head as someone opens the door. I'm hoping Seth, but it's not. Just his jerk brother. "Well don't you just look lovely today Dorris," he says smirking and closes the door. I roll my eyes at him and face to other way looking out the window. He suddenly appears in front of me with a frown. "You're making Alex unhappy," he says. "And I care why? I'm not scared of you," I say standing up glaring at him. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Oh Dorris... you really shouldn't of done that," he says with a plain face. I crash down on the bed as he pins me against it crushing my wrists underneath his knees. He attacks my neck with harsh painful bites. No warmth is present like it is with Seth. I can barely talk, barely breath. It feels like my throat is ice cold. So dry and cold. "St...stop," I cry out clawing at his head. He swiftly grabs my hands with his and squeezes them tightly cutting off the blood flow. He pulls away from my neck and looks at me licking his lips. "Now you can keep whining and let me cut the blood flow off to your hands so much they end up rotting and falling off, or you can shut that pretty little mouth of yours and let me have my way with you resulting in you having two perfectly workable hands," he says breathing heavily. I can feel the tears start to run down my cheek from the pain. Why do I always act like i'm tough, even though i'm not? I don't know what to say. I want my hands, but I will never forgive myself by telling him to continue. "Just don't hurt me," I say putting my head down. I can't bear to see that awful smirk of his. Knowing what he is likely going to do to me. He chuckles letting go of my hands. I gasp at the sudden burning feeling as the blood flows back into my hands. He might of broke them. I flinch as he reaches his hand to the back of my bra. I can't let him do this. He can't just do this to me. Where the hell is Seth? Fucking hell, he is going to rape me, and my weak little self can't do anything about it. "Wait," I gasp grabbing his hand as he goes to unhook it. "Ugh what," he says glaring at me. I gulp and look down. "Please don't do this," I whisper trying not to cry. "We made a deal. It's your hands or my way," he sighs reaching for my hands. "Get the fuck off of her," someone yells bursting through the door. My body relaxes and my breathing becomes normal. Seth. "Awe, baby bro. I just wanna have a little fun with her. Not like you ever do," he says smirking. Seth's face becomes red and instantly Alex is on the floor hissing. "Get off me, I was just playing with her," he yells. "You will never go near her again or I will kill you. That is a promise," Seth says. I watch him grab Alex's arm and twist it until I hear a crunching noise. I feel like puking. Alex screams grabbing his arm. Seth get's off of him and picks me up bridal style kissing my head. He looks down at my neck and growls clenching his teeth together. "I should break every bone in your body for what you did," he says with a low angry voice. Seth doesn't give Alex time to respond and walks out of the room. He keeps walking until we get to a room that looks vaguely familiar. It's the room I awoke in after I cut my hand. The mansion's infirmary. "Seth i'm okay," I say trying to get down. He grips me tighter and shakes his head. "We need to check just in case," he says walking into the room. I sigh and let him set me down on the bed. "What were you doing? Why weren't you in the room with me," I ask him. "Dorris i'm really sorry, I had to take care of some things, I thought you would be safe," he says turning to me with a sincere look. I look down at the bed sheets thinking about it. "Take care of what things? And why did you take so much blood last night," I ask, the last question taking him by surprise. "Just things. And I... I couldn't stop. For some reason your blood was so much sweeter last night. Finally I realized I had taken too much and stopped. I'm sorry," he says sitting down next to me putting his hand on my thigh. "Does everyone hate me for running," I whisper turning to look at him. He shakes his head no and squeezes my thigh lightly. "Okay..." I trail off playing with the hem of my shirt. "Are you ready," Seth says looking at me questionably. "Uhm for what," I ask. He chuckles. 'Shopping...remember," he asks. "Oh yeah, haha," I say. "Marc," Seth calls out. A boy with black hair and hazel eyes walks in. He's about Alex's age. I shudder at the thought of Alex. "Dorris this is Marc. He was the one watching over you when uhm... cut your hand," Seth says looking from me to Marc. "Hey," I say smiling. He holds out his hand grinning. I take his hand and shake it laughing. " uhm Seth, what do you need bro," he says looking towards Seth. "Can you check Dorris for any injuries," he says looking at me with concern. "Yeah sure, what kind of injuries," he asks looking at me briefly. "Well Alex was... he bit her," he says gritting his teeth. That scene replays in my brain. I shudder and look down at the ground. "Oh..." Marc says trailing off. He looks at me and widens his eyes at the sight of the bite mark. Is it really that bad? Oh god, what if I die or something. "Well it will bruise and she didn't bite him back so she is still human. The bruise will be very painful since he is not her mate. The best way to ease her pain, is to be in contact with her. Such as holding her hand, or holding her. You get the picture. The bruise will go away in about three days and the pain will go away in about three and a half days. Try to keep her away from chilly places. She could catch a cold from his bite. It's rare but possible. It's not the plague obviously but I assume you don't want her getting a cold. That's about it... Oh and if the pain hurts her too much, there is always the instant solution, to turn her. But many humans have beared through the pain, so I don't think that will be very necessary,' he says touching the bite. I whimper and grab his sleeve. "Yeah..." he says trailing off again turning to Seth. He looks at me with his famous unreadable expression. I get up off the bed. "So when does the pain start,' I ask biting my lip. Do I really wanna know? How bad is it going to hurt? "When did he bite you," he asks. I look up as Seth answers. "About three minutes ago," he says. "In an hour then," Marc says sighing. Well fucking hell. I have an hour left. I walk out of the room annoyed, ignoring Seth's and Marc's curious looks. Stupid fucking Alex. Going and biting me. Who the fuck does he think he is? Like really. I just want to smash his stupid little face in. I will never be able to forgive him for this. God, he's such an ass. Didn't anybody teach the boy a little respect? I mean god, how hard is it to be nice to people and not bite them? Ugh. I get pulled out of my thoughts as Seth grasps my arm facing me towards him. I glimpse around and am surprised to realize I had gotten myself lost. "Where are you going? Didn't you hear him? You need to be around me," he says sternly. And who the fruck does he think he is? My dad? "We are still going to go buy me clothes right," I ask ignoring his questions. "The mall... no. You need to stay here. In a few days we will go shopping, okay," he asks putting on a fake smile. I roll my eyes and glare a the ground. "Whatever," I say pulling my arm from his grasp and start walking away. He doesn't chase after me surprisingly. I feel bad for taking my anger out on him. I didn't mean to. It's just Alex has got me really pissed right now. And I guess I am mad a tiny bit at Seth for not killing him. I know he's his brother and all but he was going to rape me...

I don't know where i'm walking. I just know i'm pissed and a little scared Alex is going to pop up again without Seth at my side. I decide to duck into a room before he finds me. I pick a random door and walk in, closing the door behind me. I look around the room and realize it is a guy's. I wonder who's. I swear to god if it's Alex's... I walk in a little farther and see picture frames on a desk. I sigh in relief as I see it's not Alex's but Luckas's room. I pick up one of him holding a boy that looks to be able five, seeming to be laughing hysterically along with the boy. "That's my little brother," a deep voice says behind me. I spin around almost dropping the picture as I see, Luckas in a towel dripping wet, as steam pours out of his bathroom. Fucking shitting hell. "O-oh my g-god! I'm s-so sorry. I didn't know you w-were uhh..." I cover my face shielding my blush. He chuckles and i feel a whoosh of air glide past me once and then a second time three seconds later. "You can look now Dorris," he says laughing. I skeptically uncover my eyes and sigh to see he has pants on. No shirt... but at least pants. "Your brother," I ask looking back at the picture. He is quite cute. He doesn't look like him much though. "Yeah..." he trails off, a dark expression overtaking his face. I frown and set the picture down picking up another. This one is a picture of a coffin at a funeral. I look at Luckas with a knowing look. He sighs and takes the picture from me. "A year ago. The wolves got him, I was supposed to be watching him. I hate myself for it," he whispers the last part a tear sliding down his cheek. Wolves... Is that what is out in the woods? I hear a muffled cry escape his lips and I immediately hug him tightly. He flinches and almost pulls away, but then hugs me back tighter. He leans his head against my shoulder and lets his tears fall against my skin. I sigh against him and close my eyes. He pulls back slightly and looks at me with an almost frightened expression. "W-who did this to you,' he says referring to my bite. I look down in anger and sadness. "Alex," I whisper. Now I too feel like crying. "He-he uhm almost... he was going to rape me," I say. I feel a tear slide down my cheek and quickly wipe it away. He shouldn't have to deal with my problems. He seems to have enough of his own. He hugs me again holding the back of my head, as I place my head on his chest. I cry silently against his chest and I can feel him crying two. From that moment on, I knew he would be my best friend. 

Here's chapter seven. Just to warn you nugs, the next chap will have a pretty detailed sex scene soooo, if your eyes are too innocent for that stuff then I would skip it.... Anywho, I hope everyone's having at good day and shoutout to lilac122 for being such a supportive reader. Thank you : )) it means a lotttt. : )))

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