Chapter Eleven

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I'm so shocked, I don't even move. He shifts his left hand to my waist and grips it tightly. I regain the power to move and push at his chest. He moans against my lips and takes my hands in his and drags them down his chest, as to have me feel his abs. I blush as he lets go of my hands and moves his hands to my ass, squeezing me tightly. I bite my lip. This is wrong. I push at his chest again, and this time he pulls away from my lips, but reconnects his immediately to my neck, sucking harshly, probably leaving a hickey. "L-luckas..." I breath out gripping his shoulder. I don't know if i'm trying to push him away, or trying to pull him towards me... Ḧe pulls away briefly. "Yess?" he whispers huskily. I gulp and take his head in my hands and push it away. "I was going to say I need you to do me a favor Luckas..." I trail off looking at the ground. He instantly moves three feet away from me. "Oh shit," he says. He hits his head with his hand and I gasp. "Stop it," I command. He groans and hits himself once more. I stand up mad. "It's not your fault. Stop it," I say. He sits there quietly and then looks up at me. "Y-you can't tell him Dorris. He'll kill me. Do you understand? Not a word," he says. I nod my head and sit back down slowly. "Why did you do that," I ask. He looks at me with an ashamed blushful look. "I like you Dorris, " he says. I let his words form completely form in my head and then mentally smack myself. Was I leading him on? It's my fault. It has to be. It's all my fault. "Oh Luckas..." I look at him awkwardly. "I-I didn't know..." I say and gaze at the ground not knowing what to say. "Don't say anything," he says and get up off the bed and walks over t o his closet. Ï hope you like your present Dorris. I'm going to take a shower, i'll see you around okay," he says and slips into his bathroom, shutting the door not even giving me time to reply. I stare at the bathroom door until I hear him turn on the shower. I get up off the bed and walk out of the room. I still need to talk to him, but he doesn't wanna talk right now, and that's fine. I walk to me and Seth's room and knock on the door. After a few seconds Seth opens the door. 'You don't need to knock. It's your room," he says and moves out of the way so I can step into the room. I walk over the the mirror on the wall and look at the healing bite mark on my neck from Alex. I touch is and hiss at the pain. Seth comes up beside me and reluctantly kisses the spot. I allow it and turn around to him. "Hey, i'm sorry about earlier," I say and touch his cheek. He smiles and shakes his head. "It doesn't matter. I've already forgot," he says and kisses me gently. I smile. The discomfort is gone now. I think someone needs to do an emotion check on me though. I nod my head and wrap my arms around his neck. "Did you miss me daddy," I whisper. He lifts one eyebrow and smirks. "Oh very much babygirl,"he says and tilts his head. "And did you miss me,"he asks. "Oh yes daddy,"I say smirking devilishly. He breaths out and quickly picks me up, wrapping my legs around his torso and pushing me against the wall. "Well if my babygirl missed me, then I think I ought to do something about that, huh,"he says and starts to kiss my neck. He stops and leans back away from me to look at my face. "What the hell Dorris," he says and then in an instant my feet are on the ground and his hands are tightly clutching my arms. His expression is furious. I look dumbfounded and then mentally groan. He smells Luckas's scent on me, way more then his scent should be. "W-what," I ask moving around, trying to loosen his grip on me. "Why do you smell like dog,"he asks. I hold my breath and then let out a long sigh. I look around the room frantically, as if the answer would be here waiting to cover for me. "Drris look at me. Why in the fuck do you smell like dog. What did you see in the woods Dorris," he starts to yell at the end and I shrink away from him. He stops yelling and but stares at me with this death kind of look. I finally look up at him with the best confident face I can muster. "There was a dog. Husky actually. I don't know why you're freaking out so bad," I nervously laugh at the end and wait for his response. He looks at me, as if he's looking at my soul. "A dog," he asks coming close to me. He sniffs at me again and makes a disgusted face. "Yeah," I answer. He huffs in response. "I'm sorry Dorris, I don't like dogs. Forgive me," he says smiling. I smile back. "It's fine," I say. He kisses my cheek and takes off his shirt. "C'mon, we're taking a shower," he says and grabs my hand dragging me to the bathroom. I smile and close the door once we are both inside. He turns around, placing his hand on my face kissing me. I move one of my hands to the back of his neck and pull him towards me to deepen the kiss. "Now now," he breaths out pulling away slightly. "Let's save that for later," he whispers into my ear making me shiver. Before I have time to reply he takes off every particle of clothing I have on and then does the same with his. He pushes the clothes into the corner with his foot. I try to stealthily cover myself. I'm still a little shy with him seeing me naked. He turns on the shower and taps the wall with his index finger, waiting for the water to get to the right temperature. He steps in and then picks me up by my side and lifts me into the shower, then sets me down and runs his hands up my arms to my shoulders then to the small of my back. The water runs down him making his hair stick to his forehead. I reach up to move it to the side, but the water pushes it right back down. I giggle and Seth suddenly grabs my arm. I look at him with wide eyes. "Do you like it here Dorris," he asks with a serious face. I look at his eyelashes and see tiny droplets of water on them. I smile. "Of course I like it here," I whisper and look into his eyes. He nods staring at my side lost in his thoughts. He looks back at me and gives a sad smile. "If you don't ever like it here, tell me. We can go anywhere you want. And if it's me that's the problem, i'll give you time. But don't forget that if you end up not wanting me anymore that both of us will die," he says. I gulp and place my hands on his shoulders. "I know all that. I'm not going to want to leave you and here is fine... for now," I say smiling. He chuckles and smirks looking down at me. I blush and bite my tongue going stiff. I feel like running out of the shower away from his piercing gaze but I know better than that- he'll just catch me and put me back in this same situation. So instead I look down at him too. He laughs at my reaction and inches closer to me. I decide not to helplessly back up against the wall, but instead move closer to him and kiss him. He kisses me back with a deeper force and grips my hips. I run my fingers through his wet hair and he bites my bottom lip causing me to accidentally pull his hair. He growls and pushes me against the wall kissing down my jaw to my neck. I pull his face back up to mine and kiss him. He pauses and grips me tighter. "I could just eat you up," he murmurs and then kisses me again. I start to breath heavily as he kisses down my jaw to the neck. "Can I," he asks running his tongue across my smooth skin. I nod my head in approval and he sinks his teeth into my soft flesh. I wince and then sigh as warmth spreads through my body. This is what I missed. His fangs deep inside of me, giving me an immense amount of pleasure. I move my hands to his shoulders and grip tightly, pulling him closer to me. He picks me up, his fangs still drawing blood from my neck and lays me down on the bed. I run my fingers through his hair and sigh in ease. He removes his fangs from my neck, making sure not to take too much. He pulls his arms around me, making me warmer and kisses my cheek. " Hey, I love you. Never forget that, okay," he asks. I nod my head and snuggle closer to him. We lay there for awhile. I hear Seth start to breathe slower and I know he fell asleep. I look out the window at the moon and hear a faint howl come from the woods. I smile. Maybe it's Sammy. I still feel like running away. To my old life, but I feel like I want Seth to come with me. And I would say Luckas too, but his recent actions make me feel like he needs a little more time to figure out I can't be with him. I sigh and listen to the leaves outside whirling around in the wind. I hear another howl, it's different from the other. It almost sounds agonized. I reach down and grab the blanket pulling it over me and Seth and turn on my side to look at his face. He is perfect. I reach up to run my index finger over his soft upper lip and he stirs in his sleep. I lean towards him and give him a delicate kiss. I feel his arms tighten around me and he smiles, his eyes still closed. "Go to bed," he whispers. I blush, and i'm glad his eyes aren't open to see it. "I'm sorry for waking you," I say. He hums in response and repositions his head on the pillow. I move my hand down to take his and close my eyes breathing in his sweet smell. "I love you," I whisper.

"I love you more," he whispers back.

Well that's chap 11 for ya. Sorry if it was kinda boring. Imma try and put something interesting in the next chap. Can I just say I started writing this on the first day of school and I'm like 30 sum pages in Google docs. That might sound little to you, but it sounds like a hella lot to me. And I just want to thank everyone who is still staying strong through the boring parts and reading my book. I love you all and enjoy the chap nugs.

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